See Your Vision

Dear Friends,
Two quotes I want to share with you from Dr. Ernest Holmes in the October ‘Science of Mind’ magazine.
“As we listen to the divine wisdom within, we receive inspiration and guidance.
As we speak our word, think our thoughts or make our affirmations with complete conviction, we discover that we are using a power that actually IS and that actually DOES RESPOND to us. The Spirit within us is God, the infinite Source of our intelligence and wisdom and creative power.
“Deeper than our mind is the Spirit…  From this universal reservoir a power passes through our minds into action. When the mind is peaceful and still, it catches a vision of this greater good.  While the mind is in turmoil and combat, 
it cannot receive an image beyond the limiting circle of the small measure it has been treading around.”
What wisdom or guidance are you seeking today? Know God, Spirit always listens to you and responds to you.  How convinced are you, Spirit is acting upon your thoughts, words and feelings?
Be conscious in your own mind of your traveling thoughts, moods, angers
or angst.  Then…
Be still, peaceful, calm in quiet prayer and meditation to shut out the turmoil in the world for just a few moments.
Be clear in mind so as to receive guidance, purpose and truth.
Be a Visionary for the new world.
This world is going through a complete REBOOT and will never be the same again.
What is it you wish to be in the world after the REBOOT?
What is is you wish to do after the REBOOT.
What world do you wish to live in?
Remember our ultimate goal is LOVE.  Can we love everyone and everything?
What would our world look like if LOVE was the force and energy behind all actions and purposes?
What would our government look like?
What would the leaders  & governments of the world look like?
How would we take care of all humanity, animals  and Mother Earth for the greatest good?
Those are the visions we need to keep in our conscious mind and affirm with words and feelings everyday.  We have the God power within us to change and make changes. Let us use this creative power wisely for the good of all.

Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen

Dear Friends,
Years ago, while a ministerial student, I had a theme song, “Nothing Is Too Wonderful to Happen.”  I was thinking about that song and two major events that just took place in Steve and my life. Even in the midst of all that is going on, miracles happen and God as Good is always flowing in and through all.
We officiated at a beautiful wedding Oct. 10th for a  beautiful young woman and her fiancé living in North Carolina.  It was our first virtual wedding. This young woman has scoliosis and has been in back braces, special chairs and did exercises for years to help decrease the curve. However the pain never went away. She had a groundbreaking spinal surgery one year ago and through the pain of recovery and rehabilitation she has come out on the other side strong, happy, pain free and secure. It was our honor to co-officiate at her wedding.
Nothing is too wonderful to happen.
Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is too good to last for ever
Every thing is possible to God through me and you….
We became grandparents on Oct. 12th. Our daughter, age 40, and her beloved are now parents of a sweet little baby girl. We are all so excited and happy. We almost lost faith and hope of becoming grandparents, and yet here we are!
Nothing is too wonderful to happen.
Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is too good to last for ever
Every thing is possible to God through me and you….
There is nothing GOD cannot do through me and you.
What is it you are praying for?
What is it you are hoping for?
What is it you think may never happen?
God’s timing is  always right.  Some people in our New Thought tradition do not use the word HOPE because it implies one has little faith or doubt.
Sometimes hope is all we have when the end is not in sight, or the road is bumpy and long.
Our minds can change the THOUGHT about HOPE.
H – HOLY Being
O-  I know I am OF you. Your DNA is in me.
P –  All Things are POSSIBLE with You
E –  EVERYONE, including me, is filled with Divine Possibilities
Holy One Pour your Energy in me.
Holy Spirit Of All People is Everywhere.
Happiness is Everywhere about us
So let us all happy be
There are no dark clouds to frown upon us
The sun will shine wherever we may be.
To the left, To the right
Look around, See the light
If it’s smiles you spread, then it’s smiles you’ll meet
And a song in your heart puts wings on your feet.
Nothing is too wonderful to happen.
Nothing is too good to be true.
Nothing is too good to last for ever.
Every thing is possible to God through me and you 

Harm No One

Happy October!  This is the month of Halloween and the Pagan Holiday Samhain.
I want to introduce you to a colleague  and friend of mine, Rev. Devra Gregory,  a Wiccan High Priestess, Alchemist, Ritualist, Healer, Massage Therapist, Drummer.
She was one of our presenters at the NAIN 2017 Conference.  She is writing a chapter for Steve’s new book and I asked her if I could copy part of her chapter for this newsletter.  I truly believe all faith traditions are important and the Pagan/Wiccan one seems to receive the least amount of attention and has been abused and misunderstood in the past.
It has a deep caring for ALL Beings and love for Mother Nature.
Thank you Devra for helping us have a greater insight into the Wicca tradition, which has many similarities to New Thought.
I believe:
“When knowledge is shared, 
awareness and understanding become greater.
  Myths, and misconceptions are dissipated, 
and barriers of fear melt away.”

-Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert

In Wicca The Goddess is the primary Deity with her consort being the male form of God. He is in service to the Divine Feminine, the creator of life. Women are accepted into Spiritual Leadership roles and may lead in other types of Pagan ritual. The term “Pagan” as well as “Witch” has had incorrect connotations attached to them. Pagan means “people of the land” or county folk. Witch comes from the Gaelic root wic or wiz meaning “to change.” Wizard also comes from this root meaning. So, what is magick? (magick with a “K” distinguishes it from stage magic) Magick is changing matter with ones focused will. In quantum physics we see that matter actually does undergo a pattern change when influenced by intentional, focused thoughts. Our thought sends out a spark of electricity and is not contained just inside our heads, but flows outside of us, too. We are all floating in a sea of vibration, in fact WE are vibrating energy. Humans are magnificent energy generators and receivers. In practicing magic, a Wiccan understands how important it is to control their own thoughts and consciousness, to direct the outer realm. Wiccans know that thoughts are “things” and the more focused the intention, and, the more we raise our energy up in natural ways like drumming and dance the better our prayers/spells land. Spells are really just prayers with some extra “bling.” Herbs, incense, charms, candles and other gifts from nature are used in a sacred way, utilizing each’s unique frequency to be synchronistic with the intention of the ritual. Witches do in fact create change. Healing is change, releasing unproductive habits and thoughts is change, shifting from the ego mind to the heart centered soul is change. Many other religious practices utilize this information, they just call it something else like manifestation or even miracles. So, when someone says “be careful what you wish for” they are reminding you of the powerful magic of your thoughts!
Wicca has no book of law only guidelines for the way we live our lives. The one basic tenant called The Wiccan Rede states, “Let it harm none, do as thy wilt.” In other words, do what you want just don’t hurt anyone else: it’s the golden rule. There is also the law of three- What you send out returns to thee by all the power of 3. This is the law of cause and effect, AKA Karma in the Hindu tradition.
Like other indigenousness cultures from all over the world, Wiccans accept there is life force in everything and each has its own vibratory pattern: plants, rocks, gem stones, herbs, trees and each of us, too. So, respecting all of life and honoring the miracle of nature is paramount to a Wiccan. We are peace loving, nature worshiping, Goddess/God Loving (not fearing) people.”
You can find more information about her ministry and events at:
Harming No one,
Abigail and Steve