Thank you God







Dear Friends,

The best prayer there is, is “Thank you GOD.” As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, when we give thanks for everything, the energy about every situation (Good or Not Good) changes. Vibrations are higher and Conscious answers become clear.

This week let us recognize and give thanks for ALL the opportunities, situations, events that we did not pray for and happened anyway. Many of us have had those turning points in life where God gifted us a NEW path or NEW way of being. We may not have prayed for it, however Spirit showed up as a thought, a whisper, a word, a push, a pull, or a delay.

A major turning point in my life was when I ‘told’ God, at a stop sign, I would never step into a church again. I was tired of church hopping. I was absolutely done! Then I got a postcard in the mail the following week with an invitation to attend a “Reincarnation” workshop. I was fascinated, so I went. The workshop was in a Religious Science Church in Newport Beach, CA. I loved the workshop so I decided to give Sunday Service a try.
Well needless to say, that was a major turning point in my life and I went on to become a New Thought minister.

Another major turning point in my life where I did not vision, pray for, or actively seek out, was when I was reading the local paper and a news item inviting people to join the Bahai’s to plan their World Religion Day in January 2004. I looked at Steve and said, “What’s a Baha’i?” Out of curiosity we went to their meeting. We came away with the absolute feeling that we wanted to participate and so I was invited to speak on the interfaith panel, as a New Thought minister.
That turning point led us to help found the Poway (POINT) Interfaith Team.

There are just times in our lives where we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt (even if it is hindsight) there is a GREATER DIVINE PLAN for each of us. We are continually guided. We must be continually aware and open to the NEW and the wonderful beyond what we imagine or ask for.

The direction you took at your turning points led you to where you are today. You would not be reading this newsletter now, if everything in your life hadn’t been exactly as it was. There are no mistakes made, only lessons to be learned. God is continually guiding us.
Trust – Listen – Act.

Let us say Thank you GOD at the Thanksgiving Table for ALL we prayed for, and ALL we did not pray for. Let us recognize our life as whole and complete and in a Great Divine Plan to move us forward in purpose and Consciousness.

Thankful for All,

Abigail and Steve


Grateful for Everything

1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God…..
Dear Friends,
A funny thing happened to Steve just yesterday. His email was hacked and the hackers were sending out false requests for help, money and/or a gift card. He worked on clearing this issue with a techie friend. Of course we were shocked that this happened and yet there was a blessing in this incident. We received SO MANY phone calls, emails and texts saying they would be happy to help us, but were concerned Steve’s email was hacked. Both of us, at a moments break, realized how many loving friends we have and how willing they are to step up when someone is in need. We felt loved, cared for and supported. Advice was given and we happily received it.
Give thanks in all circumstances
Today I needed to get help from a techie at Constant Contact because I could not log in to my account. The first techie was not able to help me. The second techie was able to help, and finally cleared up the errors and helped me create a new password. While he was working on his end, I looked out my window at the beautiful fall trees and gave thanks. I was grateful to be able to call on someone to help me, even if it took two people, and I appreciated his knowledge and patience.
Give thanks in all circumstances
It just reminded me that no matter how upsetting a situation is, in our lives, there is always a silver lining, a blessing, a possibility of good from it. Rev. Thomas Shepherd said in his article in the ‘Daily Word’ magazine, “I can’t always be thankful FOR my circumstances, but I can always give thanks DURING adverse and challenging times. Giving thanks positively affects the thanksgiver.”
We are coming up on Thanksgiving in a week, so what better time to be grateful for both the joys and hardships. We are grateful for our joys, and are grateful for the beneficial lessons learned from our hardships.
Maybe at your Thanksgiving table you can share your gratitude and blessing as you move through:
  • the pandemic
  • the aftermath of the election,
  • the quarantine with family,
  • the love and support of family and friends,
  • the learning how to zoom with distant relatives and friends
  • and more.
Every experience we have is designed to help us, support us, guide us or move us forward in learning and consciousness. What I have noticed is how wonderfully kind people are. We realize we are going through this “stuff” together. People are more patient on the zoom calls when someone has difficulty sharing a screen or not muting or unmuting when necessary. People give each other the space needed in the grocery and big store lines.
Neighbors are checking in to see if people are OK and have enough.
We are in this together and doing it not just for ourselves, but for and with each other.
Keep your spirits up by intently recognizing the gifts, grace and blessings in every situation. The more we recognize the spiritual potential of every experience, the more good we will continue to find and be grateful for.
Grateful for Everything,
Abigail and Steve

Soul of Our Nation

Dear Friends,
The Soul and Vibrational Energy of our country has been through trials, tribulations, strife and stress.
We have a new President and a new Vice President. Many Americans are elated and others sad. We need to come together now greater than we ever have before, and heal the wounds and divisiveness in our country. It is time to remember our Oneness, our Divinity and our being part of this great Human Family. Let us all pray for our new leaders to stay in integrity, move forward with honesty to serve the American people in the highest and best way for our nation.

We as spiritual leaders are the peacemakers. Let us be the healing balm to family, friends, co-workers, strangers and our spiritual
community. All are in Gods circle of love, compassion and forgiveness. There are no outsiders in God, so let us continue to be open,
receptive, inclusive and keep our hearts and mind open to everyone.

For an inspirational message from Rev. Wendy Craig Purcell go to:

Knowing Our Oneness with All,
Abigail and Steve