There is no Race only Oneness

March 30, 2021

Dear Friends,

Our hearts go out to all the family and friends of those who died in the horrific mass shootings in Georgia and in Boulder the past two weeks.

The ALL FAITH CENTER stands in solidarity with people of all colors, ethnicities, cultures and faiths.
We are all ONE Humanity and our inhuman cruelty must end. The .01% that appears to make us “different” is inconsequential.
“Race is a Social Concept, Not a Scientific One. Data show that the DNA of any two human beings is 99.9 percent identical, and we all share the same set of genes…”
There is no validity to the term “race.” The concept of race is manmade.

It is time for those who hate “differences” to wake up and realize, Spirit, the Divine, God, Allah, however you wish to call our Creator, does not take sides, shows no preference, sees no differences and Loves us equally. It is our job to love equally as well. That is why we are here on earth. For God is in ALL of us! Essential values are inherent in all faith traditions. Humanists, agnostics and atheists also hold kindness and compassion in the highest esteem. We are all human, living on the same earth connected together in the Divine Web of Life.

As we pray for those suffering loss, we must pray for all those who have thoughts of hatred and killing. We are ONE Family and our prayers influence everyone in the field of mind.

We are at the brink of transformation and transmutation. Light a candle and say a prayer for all of humanity to evolve into a higher consciousness of love, compassion, kindness and peace.

In Oneness,
Abigail and Steve