Bringing CORE VALUES into Business







Dear Friends,

At our last POINT Interfaith Team Meeting, Jeff Blanton, founder and President of the Blanton Group, spoke to us about how he is dedicated to guiding business professionals to find the meaning of work by aligning their personal purpose, calling and passion to what they do. We had a thought provoking discussion on bringing faith, spirituality and values into the work place, and business environment.

This idea reminded me of when I began a “prayer time” at my last school before retirement. I know religion in schools is frowned upon and kept separate unless it is a parochial school. I was fortunate to get permission from the principle to have it once a week for the teachers early in the morning, well before school began. It was a beautiful experience for the few of us who met consistently. We were of different faiths and yet we prayed for the well being of each other and the school, teachers and parents. I have not heard of any other teacher doing this, and hopefully there are others implementing an inclusive prayer time for teachers in other schools around the nation and globe.

My question is, why can’t we bring in the idea of authentically pursuing company goals with core values guiding the way in the business world!? All faith traditions have core values of love, peace, compassion, kindness, integrity, and ethics. Jeff said the companies who have core values as part of their mission are successful and prosperous. I would think meetings and business proposals could be based on the good of all parties, rather than making one the winner and the other the loser. When it is a WIN WIN, everyone is happier, works harder and better.

What job/occupation do you have? How are you bringing your core faith values into the decision making process wherever you work and whatever you do?
Real Estate
Businesses local and national
Profit/ Non-Profit
Medical offices/hospitals
Police, Fire
and more…..

How are you lifting up, encouraging, respecting each other in your work place?
Are you honoring the different faiths knowing some people will need time off for their holy days?

Are you aware and sensitive to food preferences/needs whether they are religious, vegan or vegetarian?

Are you promoting positive talk with people and stepping in to stop implicit racist/bias talk?

How are you showing you care for the PERSON who works for you?
He/she is not just a place holder in a chair in an open office area. This is a person with a life outside the office, with family, friends, a gender preference, a faith community, and sacred traditions.

Are you honoring all people regardless of faith, gender, race or culture?

And again, how are you bringing your personal core values to work and allowing them to guide your words and way each day?

Roy Disney said,
“It is not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.”

Practicing Our Values,
Abigail and Steve









Dear Friends,

We spent a delightful day with our daughter Tammy, Glenn, Glenn’s parents and our sweet granddaughter Peyton. (see below) It brought such joy to my heart to be able to be with them. The title of the Daily Word for April 5 was
“The joy of my heart is my guiding light.” I realized that is how I feel these days. My joy is spending time with Peyton and officially babysitting 2 mornings a week.

I love “The joy of my heart is my guiding light,” because it is what God has intended for us to do and be. JOY needs to be our guiding light in all we do.
You probably heard of the author, Marie Kondo, a decluttering expert, who says, “Does this bring me joy?” If yes, keep the item or clothing, if no, it is time to release it. This is good advise for our lives. Is our heart joyful? Is our mind joyful? Is our life joyful?

Ask yourself, does your job bring you JOY?
For me as a retired minister/teacher, I am delighted to create this
newsletter, hold labyrinth walks and officiate at weddings and memorials.
Does your service work bring you JOY?
For me I love being the Executive Director of the Poway Interfaith Team
and serve by creating newsletters, updating the website, helping
plan and execute a variety of events, seminars and activities.
Does being with your family and friends bring you JOY?
For me, I love being with my family and spending time with my granddaughter. It brings me joy to see her grow.
I love being with my friends. Even though this pandemic we zoomed and now we are all vaccinated and can get together.
Does your prayer time bring you JOY?
For me, this is my sacred grounding time of the day. I receive inspiration
and guidance as I surrender to the Divine Will. It brings me joy & peace.
Does your exercise activity bring you JOY?
For me my early morning walks are filled with hearing the birds, communing with the trees and walking our labyrinth. Not only is it enjoyable, it is keeping me healthy.
Does your PURPOSE in life, bring you JOY?
For me my joyful purpose is to help unfold the mission statement above in all
that I do.

This does not mean we shirk our responsibilities or no hardship comes our way.
For me I still struggle with an unresolved relationship. However I know JOYfilled Spirit is in both of us and the Divine Outcome is at hand.
It means we have a choice to view life from the perspective of gloom and doom or joy and gratitude.
For me I am grateful for the past relationship and look forward with joy to the new and restored relationship, however that looks.

Every experience we have in life is a GIFT, regardless whether we label it good or not good. How we choose to use that gift and view it from various perspectives, is our choice, Free Will.

So TODAY, allow JOY to be your guiding light in every moment, with every person, with every experience. Today will pass and tomorrow will arrive.
Will you wonder why you did or did not do what JOY guided you to do?
Live each moment in JOY.

Abigail and Steve

Abigail and Steve