What Kind of Life Wants Me?








What Kind of Life Wants Me?

I was reading Dr. David Alexander’s article in the July issue of the Science of Mind magazine. It was a wonderful reminder, that God’s Plan has ALL POSSIBILITIES for our life. We are in the midst of Unlimited GREATNESS, GOD.

We often use the spiritual tool of Visioning or Visualization. I use this often even in a small way. There are times I am tired when I start off on my morning walks so in order to ‘speed up the process’ I visualize myself a few blocks ahead.
When I get there, it seems like no time has passed. I continue doing this on my entire walk and before I know it I am home.

Both Steve and I have Visioned many things in our life, our home, our spiritual path and have always been amazed by the joyous journey God has provided us.

However the times I have been most amazed is when I released, let go and let God put the next step, next focus, next purpose in front of me. One of the biggest surprises was when I was steered into a completely different direction in my life. I went from teaching elementary school to becoming a minister.

Years ago I was fervently trying to find a church home, in the areas of mainstream churches. There was not a fit or match for the beliefs I embodied.
I loved church, but I could not in all good conscious become a member and say I believed what the church denomination believed. I was frustrated and mad when I told God ” I am done! If you want me to find a church home, You do it.
I am done looking!!!” I really thought I would just find my own path with the help of books. Needless to say, not even one week later, I got a card in the mail inviting me to a workshop on ‘Reincarnation,’ which I was extremely interested in. So I went! I loved the workshop, the people, and the metaphysical books in their book store. I told God, I would give this church a chance on Sunday!
I went to their services and the minister seemed to be talking just to me and I felt like I had come home. Needless to say this started my adventure with
New Thought, and The Science of Mind teaching! Over the next 10 years, I became a practitioner, an ordained minister and started my first church.
I also retired from teaching.
My releasing and letting go of what I thought I should do, allowed GOD to DIRECT ME in the LIFE Spirit wanted FOR me.

So, instead of asking God, Spirit, Mind, the Universe for something you think you want, Ask “What Kind of Life Wants Me?” What kind of life, purpose, journey does God have ready for me to step into? Release your ideas,
Relax into God’s Greater ideas. Watch the Universe unfold in your life and enjoy the journey!

“Realize you are God’s Masterpiece created to do things
that you can’t even yet imagine.”
Mark J. Musser

Releasing and Relaxing,
Abigail and Steve