No Prayer Goes Unheard

No Prayer Goes Unheard!

I was thinking about “answered prayer” today, and realized that all my prayers have been answered, even in ways I could not imagine.
There is a song by the late Eric Hansen called, “Our Thoughts are Prayers.” I know this to be true. We live and breathe and have our being in the MIND of GOD. This Mind of God is my mind and your mind now. We continually think into it and there is nothing that goes unnoticed, unheard, or unanswered. All thoughts and prayers are acted upon.

I thought about my childhood and at age 8 I declared I was going to be a teacher, to my third grade teacher. I did get my BA in Education and even did some practice teaching in the same third grade class with my original third grade teacher!

As a child I wanted a horse and I remember looking up at the stars asking God for riding lessons. Low and behold in college the students were offered Saturday riding classes and so I signed up! Funny thing though, after some lessons and a horse that threw me, I decided maybe riding lessons were not for me. My prayer was answered, and I still had a choice (with my free will) to continue or not.

Steve and I were talking about our house and how it came to us in 2003.
Steve knew immediately this was the house for us. While walking around the house outside, Steve said, “God, show me a sign.” At that moment a grapefruit from the grapefruit tree on the property rolled right down to his feet.
Inside the house I had wanted a vaulted ceiling and when we closed on the house I was happy with everything and just dismissed the vaulted ceiling since the house had everything else we wanted. After we moved in, my eyes went up to the ceiling in the living room and low and behold we had a vaulted ceiling.
I had not noticed it previously on our visits to the house. Steve at age 13, in his electric shop classes in Jr. High, saw lighted light switches on the wall. He told himself, when he owned a house, he would install those same light switches. As we walked around the inside of our new house, we discovered it had them too!

Prayers also have a way of evolving. As a new minister in 2000 I kept thinking how wonderful it would be to have a Children’s Church. I was not sure how that would manifest until my mentor minister Dr. Juanella came to me and said she had a dream of me ministering in a child church. She asked, ” Do you want that?” I immediately said ‘YES’ and the doors opened up for me on that journey. At the Child Centered Church, Steve and I started teaching children and their parents the commonalities of religions which evolved into an Interfaith Service which evolved into founding the Poway (POINT) Interfaith Team, which evolved into being part of an Interfaith Movement and being a part of the North American Interfaith Network and Parliament of World Religions. We are still joyfully meeting people of all faiths, nationalities, cultures and countries.

All thoughts are prayers and they are always answered! God always says YES.
I like the second sentence in the quote above. If God appears to say NO, it just means there is something greater for you! There is always Divine timing for all requests. Keep your thoughts on the good and the purposeful, and as the song says, “Seek a higher consciousness” in your prayers and declarations, for they
will manifest for you. Negative thoughts will also manifest so be aware and mindful….
Just KNOW your prayer in Spirit has already been answered in the right way, at the right time and with the right people – destined just for you!!!!

Sit back and listen to this beautiful song
“Our Thoughts are Prayers”
by Eric Hansen.


Our Thoughts are Prayers
And we are always praying
Our Thoughts are Prayers
Listen to what you’re saying
Seek a higher consciousness
A state of peacefulness
And know that God is always there
And every thought becomes a prayer
Our Thoughts are Prayers
The tools that we create with
Our Thoughts are Prayers
That Spirit resonates with
Seek a higher consciousness
A state of mindfulness
And know that God is always there
And every thought becomes a prayer

Prayerfully, Abigail and Steve

Laughter brings Joy


Dear Friends,

“Don’t Forget to Laugh Today!”
Steve sends me cute funnies everyday, and I love to see them on my computer. We have separate offices and he can hear me laughing at the funnies and comics he sends via email. They have boosted me so many times in the past few years with the pandemic and our government crisis happening. I have to give praise and gratitude for my husband for he is always lifting people’s spirits up. Even after going through shoulder surgery and some painful physical therapy he is bringing joy through pictures of yummy food to the therapists. They delight in taking part in the fun. Once in a while he will actually bring them goodies, the real deal! He is looking forward to bringing joy, support and encouragement once again as a volunteer at Palomar Hospital.

I remember years ago when I was teaching, I would always find some fun and joy during parent conferences. My principal(s) would comment saying,
“Every time I pass your room, there is laugher going on!” Laughter is a great way to ease worry and anxiety in any situation.

Last week I was babysitting my granddaughter Peyton and her other grandparents came in and then the third grandmother. Three sets of grandparents were taking delight in watching this little one play, laugh, crawl, stand, and clap with delight. It was pure joy being with her, holding her and kissing her. Grandma kisses everywhere. Why does she delight us so much?
Because her entire being is Pure Joy, the Sweet Essence of God. It is Love and Laughter in action. We all take part in her consciousness when we are with her.

Children at play remind us of the truth of our being. We are Pure Joy, the Sweet Essence of God. When we allow God to come through us, flow in us and be us, we become the ONE who brings joy and laughter to others, and ultimately bring it back to ourselves.

Laughter is the language of the soul.
Pablo Neruda

Laughter connects you with people.
It’s almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter.
Laughter is a force for democracy.
John Cleese

A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Charlie Chaplin

Remember to LAUGH Today and bring JOY to someone else!

Laughing and Smiling,
Abigail and Steve


Look To and With the Light

Dear Friends,
“Before sunrise, a young sunflower looks east – towards sunrise. As the sun moves from east to west, the flower also turns west. As the sun sets, the flower returns to its original position to the east to begin the cycle the next day.
According to an article published in the journal Science in 2016, researchers believe that sunflowers exhibit this type of heliotropism because their stems lengthen differently at different times of the day.
This is what researchers observed during their study: when the sun begins to move from east to west in the sky, the east side of the stem of a sunflower plant grows faster than the west side. Due to this uneven growth on both sides, the flower tends to lean toward the sun.”
Sunflowers are beautiful. I love their elegance and height. I pass a garden with these beautiful flowers on my walks in the morning, and notice how they all are facing East as the sun is rising. It also reminded me of the movie, “City of Angels,” when all the angels gathered at the shore for the morning sunrise and evening sunset. It was a beautiful remembrance of our Source and Creator.
Sunflowers, like all of nature, are our teachers. Sunflowers look to the sun, the light for their nourishment, strength and growth. We can take this lesson and realize we too must look to the LIGHT for our nourishment, strength and growth. The LIGHT for humans is the essence of GOD, all love, life, joy, wholeness, power, and sustainer within. Although the sunflowers appear to look to the sun as their source, we know GOD’s light essence within them is their source, creator and nourishment. We know that truth for them, all of nature, and for ourselves.
Let us daily know the Divine Light of God within us is our creator, source, and sustainer for our life physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we remember who we are, we naturally radiate God’s Divine Light and become the inspiration and Light for many.
Look first to the GOD LIGHT within you.
Then radiate this LIGHT to all.
Looking to my LIGHT, my Source, my Creator,
Abigail and Steve

Open the Door into a New Direction








Dear Friends,

I was reading in a local newspaper this past week about a 35 year old man who just became a priest. This young man had always wanted to serve people and previously was a fireman. At age 30 he felt restless, an urge within him to seek something else, and he wasn’t exactly sure what it was. He had a girlfriend and decided he was never going to marry her, so it was time to set her free so she could find the right person for her. He went through what we call in New Thought, “Divine Discontent.” Long story short, he surrendered to the Will of
God and asked that his path be made perfectly clear and eliminate any distractions and open only the God opportunities to him. So priesthood became an option and he followed his heart and his God given path.

We all have those moments, days, and time of Divine Discontent and perhaps we feel it more now that the pandemic is slowly moving out from our lives and experience. Our discontent may be that we don’t want to return to the old normal. We really want to move forward into a NEW way of being, working
and living our lives. Let us appreciate this Divine Discontent for we can anticipate a new soul calling and new spiritual purpose being made ready for us. It is here now, just waiting for us to OPEN the door and surrender to what is on the other side.

Opening the door will definitely be a change, possibly a pull in a direction that is so different than before our first reaction may be NO, can’t do it, don’t want to do it. At that point we need to PAUSE and stop looking at the new direction from a human point of view. Let us ask to look at it from God’s point of view.
It is a Higher Calling which always is meant to move us out of our comfort zone and expand into something greater than before. Life always moves us upward and onward.

Ernest Holmes said: “Nature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should
we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance.”

We have been in our pandemic cocoons for a long time. Now we are ready to come out, be the butterfly, blossom, expand and grow into a new calling and life.

Expanding in Life,
Abigail and Steve