Look To and With the Light

Dear Friends,
“Before sunrise, a young sunflower looks east – towards sunrise. As the sun moves from east to west, the flower also turns west. As the sun sets, the flower returns to its original position to the east to begin the cycle the next day.
According to an article published in the journal Science in 2016, researchers believe that sunflowers exhibit this type of heliotropism because their stems lengthen differently at different times of the day.
This is what researchers observed during their study: when the sun begins to move from east to west in the sky, the east side of the stem of a sunflower plant grows faster than the west side. Due to this uneven growth on both sides, the flower tends to lean toward the sun.”
Sunflowers are beautiful. I love their elegance and height. I pass a garden with these beautiful flowers on my walks in the morning, and notice how they all are facing East as the sun is rising. It also reminded me of the movie, “City of Angels,” when all the angels gathered at the shore for the morning sunrise and evening sunset. It was a beautiful remembrance of our Source and Creator.
Sunflowers, like all of nature, are our teachers. Sunflowers look to the sun, the light for their nourishment, strength and growth. We can take this lesson and realize we too must look to the LIGHT for our nourishment, strength and growth. The LIGHT for humans is the essence of GOD, all love, life, joy, wholeness, power, and sustainer within. Although the sunflowers appear to look to the sun as their source, we know GOD’s light essence within them is their source, creator and nourishment. We know that truth for them, all of nature, and for ourselves.
Let us daily know the Divine Light of God within us is our creator, source, and sustainer for our life physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we remember who we are, we naturally radiate God’s Divine Light and become the inspiration and Light for many.
Look first to the GOD LIGHT within you.
Then radiate this LIGHT to all.
Looking to my LIGHT, my Source, my Creator,
Abigail and Steve