Dear Friends,

It was a quiet morning as I sat in my meditation chair to pray, meditate and read. When I turn on my crystal healing lamp, I am in gratitude and surrender the day unto God.
This particular morning in the semi-darkness, as I switched on the light , I was struck by the intuitive thought this is like the GLOW of GOD within me and within all. I meditated on the Glow of God within and how simple it was to just switch on my light. God is like that light bulb, It just needs us to switch on our own God Glow. The Light is always there ready, willing and able to warm the body with love, tenderness and compassion. It is there to help us see clearly without blame or judgment. It is there to help us move past fear to love. For Love is all there is in God’s Glow. The consciousness glow within us becomes the light that awakens the consciousness of people we are with.
The Glow of God within affects everyone.

We have all heard the saying, just turn on the light and the darkness in the room dissipates. WE can be that light. When we remember who we are, God in form, Light in action, Glow within , we affect not only ourselves, but everyone around us.

This brings to mind the Mills Brothers Song Glow Little Glow Worm”
Glow little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer
Lead us lest too far we wander
Love’s sweet voice is calling yonder
Glow little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer
Hey, there don’t get dimmer, dimmer
Light the path below, above
And lead us on to love!…

Even a simple glow worm can remind us God’s Light is in everyone and everything. Be that GLOW and Shine today!

Allowing the Glow of God to Shine,
Abigail and Steve

Looking Through a NEW LENS







Dear Friends,

Last Wednesday, Rev. Dr. Deborah Johnson was the guest minister on the AGNT series, and one of her statements stayed with me. She said,
“You may not be able to change the circumstances, however you always have a choice to change the LENS in which you perceive
the circumstances.”
This is such a simple, yet true statement and one we often forget. Circumstances, situations, challenges are all part of our LIFE experience.
We may not be able to avoid them, however we always have a choice as to HOW we look at them.

Recently, in our day to day life, the roads around the Poway, and San Diego area have been torn up for repair and repaving. Our own street has flags at every house and the road crews have been moving up and down our street for weeks. Some intersections have been blocked completely. Once I needed to make a U turn to find another way home. The round-about-way took me 30 minutes when the original way, without road work, would have taken me 5-10 minutes. I could not change the circumstances of road repair, however I could find a different and new way home, or stay and complain in the traffic.
During these road repair weeks we have found multiple ways to get where we want to go and have become more familiar with other neighborhoods in Poway and San Diego. We just broadened our horizons.

I also began to look at the road construction workers and appreciated how they are serving the community. These men and women are working long hours in the sun or even at midnight to make the repairs necessary for US, and for our benefit. Instead of complaining we need to be sending a thank you and a prayer for their safety as they work so diligently all day. Each one of these workers have a family to go home to, and I am sure their loved ones want them to come home safe and secure after working in the streets.

On a world note, we can either see horrible things happening in the world,
(yes there are crisis’s,) and/or we can see the world going through birth pangs to bring in a better, more beautiful, more secure, more compassionate world. What our intentions and visions are, is what happens. The Universe brings forth our thoughts into form. SEE the Good and it will manifest.

Wherever you are and what ever you are doing, you have a choice to view every situation as a positive opportunity to learn, grow, try something new and/or
be more compassionate.

Be open at the top, see through a NEW LENS, and give thanks.

Seeing through a new lens,
Abigail and Steve


Who Are You?







Dear Friends,

“WHAT is behind door number 3?”
There used to be a popular TV Show where contestants would open the door of their choice. Maybe it was a refrigerator, a desk, a TV or even a new car behind the door. It was always a surprise!

We always have a choice to ask the question not ‘WHAT is behind door number three?’, but “WHO is behind door number 3?” As we go through life we tend to put on many faces and literally become different people as we go through our personal doors during the day. The nurturing mother in the morning getting her kids off to school, may become the focused, no-nonsense leader of a company the rest of the day. A cook in a restaurant, focused on food and preparation, may be the winner of a triathlon on the weekend. We all have various responsibilities, focuses and purposes and sometimes we are like chameleons as we move from one role to another.

What if we didn’t have to pick which door to BE in the moment?
Last week we talked about our life being our story. Our values, attitudes and intentions do create our life story, and we have a choice to keep that which is sacred and mindful in all our our roles and responsibilities. A nurturing mother can be compassionate with a client, co-worker or someone who works for them when there are challenges or difficulties. A cook and a triathlon competitor can take the qualities of detail, perseverance and striving to do his or her best at both roles.

The WHO is different than the WHAT. WHO you are as a spiritual being enters into and flows into whatever job, role, or position you have. You are a Spiritual Being, Divinity in form, Love in Action, God on earth. How you choose to DO God, BE a Spiriutal Divine Being or show up as Love in action, is up to you.
Be who you truly are behind closed doors as well as opened doors.

So when someone asks WHO are you? or WHO is behind door number 3, you can honestly answer, I AM behind All Doors. For the Great I AM is God in me, as me always moving through me. I choose to authentically BE IT in all I do.

Choosing To Be God as Me,
Abigail and Steve

BE Your Story

Dear Friends,
I love reading stories to my 10 month old ‘walking’ granddaughter. Some books she likes to listen to especially if there are little flaps to open. There are other books she likes to read upside down while turning the pages backwards. Otherwise her favorite activity is to pull books off the shelf!
She is so much fun and brings us so much joy.
I am keeping a picture album of her first year and will continue to do so because it is the early story of her life! I look forward to the day when I can read non-fiction true life stories about brave women and men who made a difference in the world.
We all are in the STORY OF OUR LIVES. How is your story going? If someone was reading your life story to a little child, what main idea would you want them to know, what would you like them to learn, or to grow spiritually, to serve, to make a difference in the world?
Ghandi said, “My Life is My Message.”
What message are you sending out day by day? What life story are you sharing at work, with your family, with your friends, with your neighbors and especially those who are in service to you at grocery stores, department stores, restaurants etc. Is your life message one of compassion? empathy? justice? respect, ethics, joy?
Yesterday was Labor Day, a day where we are supposed to rest, relax and give us time to reflect on our lives and the work we do. Are you satisfied with the work you are doing? Are you happy being retired? How are the family dynamics going? We all have a story to tell. Can we tell our life story to our children and grandchildren and be proud of it?
Maybe it is time to write your memoirs and really look deeply into your life. Remember, no mater what age you are, you are still in your LIFE STORY.
The past is the past, and we cannot change it. However we can change going forward as we write a new chapter in our LIFE STORY. Our life is eternal, so there is no stopping, just lessons learned, reflecting and then moving on to
Do Better and Be Better.
Your next chapter may be entirely different and you can begin it now!
Write, reflect, and be the person you want to be, for your children and grandchildren to see. Maybe THIS is the LIFE chapter you will read
to your loved ones.
Living My Story,
Abigail and Steve

Who is the Christ?

Dear Friends,

In the morning I like reading an affirmation, short story, book, poem or verse that truly picks me up and reminds me of who I am. I am not just part and parcel of this great universe, or God, Spirit, Divine Energy, I AM IT.
So many of our Masters have told us such and yet we, on some level, do not believe it. I am reading a book right now, titled, “I AM the WORD” channeled by Paul Selig. He/They say we are the Christ. The Christ Consciousness will come again, not in the form of one man, but in our form, in all of us. It is up to us to bring the Christ Consciousness on earth. We can’t do that if we do not believe it. You are what you believe.

I know many people of different faith traditions find the word Christ hard to hear. Let us substitute God, or Divine Love or Buddha Consciousness. Jesus the Christ was a man who embodied the Christ essence, the Christ/God principle, the Highest Consciousness. One thing I am realizing, how often I say, I am becoming the Christ. Selig says, You are the Christ. Everyone is the Christ. However not everyone recognizes this Truth due to fear, anxiety, pain, ego and misinformation passed down over thousands of years. Two ways to look at this truth. We are like artichokes. We have all the spiny, sharp edges on the outside, and yet on the inside is the heart of the artichoke. The heart is in every artichoke, like the Christ Consciousness is in every human. There may be many spikey, hard, thick humans, yet the heart of God/Christ is in everyone. We just have to peel away each spiky leaf/fear thought one at a time.
Or think of a cocoon, just waiting to birth the beautiful butterfly. We have lived in our cocoon of doubt and fear all our lives, and yet we were always intended to be the beautiful Christ Consciousness. It lives in us ready to be birthed!

On an errand, I was affirming I am the Christ and I see the Christ in everyone. In the midst of my affirmations, a woman almost ran her car into my car while pulling out of a parking space which immediately stopped my affirming. I felt irritated at her as she waved to me. With that wave, I realized my consciousness had dropped. Could I see the Christ in her? Could I see that the Consciousness of the Christ, of God is in everyone and in every situation. There is no place the Christ Consciousness cannot present itself. It was a simple wake up call to always know the truth of who I am in all situations.

Yesterday I was picking up supplements at my Chinese Medicine Doctor’s
office. The young lady behind the desk was slow and couldn’t find what I had called and asked for. She finally said, after a long search they were out of that supplement. In my mind I thought, “Why didn’t’ she tell me on the phone she didn’t have it.” Then I remembered…. to think in my mind and heart (not out loud), I am the Christ and I see the Christ in her. Funny thing happened, my artichoke spikes receded and I found something to say to make everyone laugh. The tense energy was diffused. Spikes in, Heart out!

“When Mother Teresa helped a dying leper, she saw “Christ in all his distressing disguises.” She was not only helping a leper, she was also loving God. When you and I see the good in others, we are loving God and changing lives. Someone once said, “Your attitude toward another person may be the first step in releasing that person’s greatness.” (Aug. SoM magzine, Rev. Dr. Ron Fox) That greatness may be the Christ Consciousness.

I will continue to affirm I am the Christ (Consciousness)and I see the Christ in everyone. I want to help release the greatness in people. Let us all see the Christ, The God Essence, The Buddha presence in everyone we meet and especially those who push our buttons and irritate us.

GOD/Christ is within us, moving through the day as us. How will that look
for you?!

Try something tomorrow morning. As you wake up, see and feel yourself as God, LIGHT, Love, Christ, Buddha. Before you get out of bed see the Light Energy of God flowing through your crown chakra and moving in and through all your chakras. Feel your Divinity as a Light Christed BEING. When you get out of bed say, I am the Christ, I am God Light, I am Love. I am putting on my earth suit, my cocoon. When I acknowledge the Christ in me and in all, I am then released and soar as the butterfly.

Releasing the Christ in Me,
Abigail and Steve