Who Are You?







Dear Friends,

“WHAT is behind door number 3?”
There used to be a popular TV Show where contestants would open the door of their choice. Maybe it was a refrigerator, a desk, a TV or even a new car behind the door. It was always a surprise!

We always have a choice to ask the question not ‘WHAT is behind door number three?’, but “WHO is behind door number 3?” As we go through life we tend to put on many faces and literally become different people as we go through our personal doors during the day. The nurturing mother in the morning getting her kids off to school, may become the focused, no-nonsense leader of a company the rest of the day. A cook in a restaurant, focused on food and preparation, may be the winner of a triathlon on the weekend. We all have various responsibilities, focuses and purposes and sometimes we are like chameleons as we move from one role to another.

What if we didn’t have to pick which door to BE in the moment?
Last week we talked about our life being our story. Our values, attitudes and intentions do create our life story, and we have a choice to keep that which is sacred and mindful in all our our roles and responsibilities. A nurturing mother can be compassionate with a client, co-worker or someone who works for them when there are challenges or difficulties. A cook and a triathlon competitor can take the qualities of detail, perseverance and striving to do his or her best at both roles.

The WHO is different than the WHAT. WHO you are as a spiritual being enters into and flows into whatever job, role, or position you have. You are a Spiritual Being, Divinity in form, Love in Action, God on earth. How you choose to DO God, BE a Spiriutal Divine Being or show up as Love in action, is up to you.
Be who you truly are behind closed doors as well as opened doors.

So when someone asks WHO are you? or WHO is behind door number 3, you can honestly answer, I AM behind All Doors. For the Great I AM is God in me, as me always moving through me. I choose to authentically BE IT in all I do.

Choosing To Be God as Me,
Abigail and Steve