Dear Friends,
We celebrated our granddaughter’s first birthday Oct. 12th. I can hardly believe one year has passed as we watched her grow, learn to roll over, crawl, walk, talk, dance and play. Her joy at discovering new ways to play with her toys, and with us, brought happiness, joy and love to everyone!
This photo is her JOY at being who she is with all the family and friends she loves. She just ate some of her birthday cake and we all sang Happy Birthday
to her. Her expression of sheer JOY is pure and beautiful. It is a sweet reminder that we all are Divinely programed to be JOY. I truly believe God, Spirit, Divine Wisdom, Love, Source, by whatever name you wish to call our Creator only wants Good for us. God wants us to be an expression of JOY.
Life can send us hurdles, heartaches, obstacles and challenges, however it is up to us to FIND the blessings in everything and in-between our experiences
of JOY.
Our sweet Peyton is in the blessing and joy of life as she sits and laughs in her highchair. It did not stop her even after a small wooden toy fell on her toe or tripping as she “ran down the hall.” These hurts in-between did not stop her from expressing her true nature, God’s JOY. We can learn from our beautiful children and grandchildren to continually seek, find, and be JOY even in the midst and in-between situations. The more JOY we express, the less hurdles, and hurts we tend to go through. With the vibration of JOY and LOVE we attract more wonderful joy and love experiences to us.
A sweet prayer from the October Daily Word:
“Awakening from a restful sleep, I give thanks for the new day and all the people who will be part of it. Although I cannot know what will happen as this day unfolds, I remind myself that everything and everyone might lead me to a deeper awareness of God. This growing awareness is my greatest joy. Even if the day includes less than happy experiences. I will know the quiet joy and comforting strength of the peaceful presence of God that is with me always…”
LOOK for and BE the JOY in your life today!
Abigail and Steve

FEELING is the Key to Prayer

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                 Did you know the heart has brain cells and can think? I read an article by Gregg Braden in the Nov. Dec. Unity Magazine. He says our heart is the key to life, decisions and purpose. In New Thought we have learned when the heart agrees with the mind,(feeling agrees with thought) the manifestation takes place. The feelings,the emotions surrounding the prayer treatment or affirmation is the KEY
to demonstration!
“The feeling is the prayer. The magic isn’t in the words, it is what those words mean to you and the changes they elicit in the body that is the real power of the prayer. Words are the code, feeling is the prayer.” Gregg Braden
Our heart KNOWS and is our intrinsic, intuitive guide in all we do.
“Researchers identified approximately 40,000 specialized cells in the human heart that they called sensory neurites, essentially brain like cells located in the heart. That means the heart can think, remember, make decisions, feel and sense independently of the brain.” Gregg Braden
I believe most us of have had the experience when our mind is saying this is a “great opportunity” and our heart-brain/intuition is telling us it is NOT. We need to stop and step back for some reason. We may not know what the reason is, we just know we should not take the “great opportunity.” When we disregard these “feelings” most of the time we regret it.                                                                                                                In the Original Peoples tradition, they honor the elders, the Wisdom Keepers.
These are the people who the tribe goes to for advise, direction, leadership and truth. I like to think of our hearts as the WISDOM Keepers of our body. We go to our heart feelings, our love energy when we need to make a decision, define a purpose, pursue a direction or learn the truth. Our hearts are truly our wisdom keepers in life.
In your daily prayers and the next time you have a challenge, focus on the wisdom of your heart. It will always guide you rightly.

Feeling with Heart,
Abigail and Steve