GRATITUDE is a Way of Life

November 23, 2021
Last week the POINT Interfaith Team hosted a beautiful Interfaith Thanksgiving Service with the theme: “Gratitude for Those Who Came Before Us: Standing on Their Shoulders.” It was inspiring to hear the many faith speakers share how their ancestral leaders paved the way for them to be and live here today. This Thanksgiving let us remember who paved the way for us; our ancestors, parents, grandparents, other family members, and friends etc. Every person, and event in our lives prepared us and molded us into WHO we are today. There are no accidents, only Divine Purpose to elevate, expand and enlighten our consciousness as spiritual beings.
When we sit down with family, friends, or a welcomed stranger this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for them and for so many others such as;
  • Farmers who planted and harvested the crops.
  • Deliverers who brought the food to the stores for us to buy.
  • Workers who organize the stores and help us at the check out.
  • Everyone who makes our lives easier; the construction workers, electricians, engineers, delivery people, waste pickup people, teachers, medical staff, Holistic practitioners, faith leaders and many more.
Perhaps in your quiet prayer time you could write down all those who came before you and those who are keeping your life comfortable today. Send them love, gratitude and see them as Light Workers whose shoulders you stand on.
We have so much to be grateful for and GRATITUDE needs to be an everyday attitude and activity. The November ‘Daily Word’ Magazine said, ” I don’t need to wait for a special day to give thanks. Gratitude is a way of life, a commitment I make to find the good in all situations…”
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving and every day of the year!