Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen





Dear Friends,

The year 2021 is ending, and a brand new 2022 year awaits us. I am looking forward to it and all the wonderful possibilities of good happening. I was looking at an
old Vision Board one morning and saw things that had come to pass and others still waiting to be demonstrated. On the board I had glued on a phrase
(I don’t remember which magazine or the author) saying,
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”
Years ago as an intern minister, my mentor and teacher, Dr. Juanella Evans told me to choose a favorite song for our pianist to play while I walked up to the lectern.
I chose the song, “Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen.”
I still love that song. Here are the words.
” Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Nothing is too good to last forever;
Everything is possible to God through me and you.
Happiness is everywhere about us,
So let us all happy be;
There are no dark clouds to frown upon us,
The sun will shine wherever we may be.
To the left, to the right,
Look around, see the light.
If it’s smiles you spread, then it’s smiles you’ll meet,
And a song in your heart put wings on your feet.
Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Everything is possible to God through me and you.”
You may be thinking , “There are just some things I can’t do.” However God says, “Yes you can!” Read the list below. Have you ever said any of those things?
Switch your mind set and affirm what God says. Your word is your power. The more you say it, the more you believe it, the faster your “possibilities” happen.







As you prepare for the coming 2022 year, stop a moment and reflect on your life. What is it you really want? Believe in those things.
Be grateful even before they demonstrate.
What would put a smile on your face?
What would make you happy?
What would make your heart sing for joy?
Create a Vision Board with wonderful “possibilities” knowing nothing is too wonderful to happen. Even if you think something is ‘top of the line’ wonderful,
always leave room for God to create something even GREATER than what you imagine. Your words, thoughts, and imagination are your creative power.
Say it, Believe it, Be Grateful for it, Manifest it!
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”

Affirming All Wonderful Possibilities,

Abigail and Steve













Love Consciousness- A Gift to the World

Dear Friends,

This week on December 25th we celebrate the birth of
Jesus, anointed ‘The Christ.’ whose mission was to bring LOVE, Compassion and God Consciousness into the world. His Consciousness spread throughout the world at that time, over 2,000 years ago, and continues to spread throughout our world as well. He was and still is the Master Teacher, the Way Shower to raise our consciousness to one of LOVE.

Every person is God in form. Every individual can be a Way Shower with his and her unique talents, skills and abilities to spread the Love of God, the Love of Christ and to be Christ Conscious. Jesus the Christ told us we are ONE with God and ONE with each other. We are to unfold the GODhood within us and to express such qualities of peace, kindness, reverence, service and love for each other. We are to see the “other” as God and as ourselves. Above all each one is to BE him or herself. Like every drop of rain or snow flake, each one is different, unique and has a tremendous gift to offer the world, just as Jesus the Christ did.

Love God, Love Yourself, Love One Another!

His journey in life was not easy and our life is not always easy either.
What do we have in common with Jesus the Christ?

Life’s journey has challenges to promote our growth spiritually.
The walk is easier with loved ones.
When obstacles and challenges come, turn to God.
Giving birth to a new way of living, a higher consciousness can be painful, yet worth it.
A NEW idea will guide you to a NEW life, purpose, and consciousness.
Staying true to your heart and being authentic will make waves in the world.
People, wise and humble will come into your life with unexpected gifts acknowledging who you truly are.
You will make a difference in the world, leaving it forever changed.

Stars guided the Wise men and Shepherds to the Christ, the New Consciousness. Your Star within will lead you to a New Consciousness and New Outlook in life. Are you willing to raise your consciousness to LOVE and all aspects of LOVE? Are you willing to allow LOVE to be your guiding light whatever you do, and whomever you meet in life? If Yes, you and Jesus the Christ have something in common.

Take 18 minutes and watch this beautiful video “The Christ Child.”
It was created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


The Christ Child

Have an AWEsome Day


Dear Friends,

I was meditating while looking out towards the hills behind our house.
The hills were a glow as the sun shone on them. The song I heard in my head was “The hills are alive with the sound of music.” I had one of those “suspended moments” when time stood still. I was in AWE of the light on the hills and the dewdrops glistening on the trees and bushes. I sat in AWE of those hills looking at God’s creation. It all looked magical and mystical. At that moment everything seemed right with the world. And in that moment everything was right. I knew God was in charge. God within directing me and God without, being everything visible and invisible.

I am sure you have had those moments of AWE in your life. And maybe like me, you want more of them. Well, you can. Just as I did, take a moment to suspend time, stop effort, take a breath, be in AWE of God’s beauty. I know you will have A Wonderful Experience! It will feel like you are in God’s time, where you feel a sense of peace, and an intuitive knowing that God loves and knows you.

Years ago when I first came into New Thought, I had an intuitive knowing while in a small group. The thought came to me, “God knows your name.”
I almost broke into tears, thinking God knows my name and even more, God loves and cares for me. God is with me all the time. It was like a flood of light flowing through me.

This week, suspend your busyness in shopping, wrapping, going, doing and just be in AWE of the wonder of God’s creation. It will move you into a new awareness. There is a little quote (unknown author) I came across years ago, and it says:

This is GOD. I will be handling
all your problems today. I will not
need your help, so have a good day!”

Have an AWEsome day. God is still in charge.

The Diamond Connection

Dear Friends,
Today I want to share a story I read in the Dec. Science of Mind magazine.
The Story of Indra’s Net.
“To keep it simple, Indra, the Hindu Lord of the heavens, invites Buddha to his heavenly palace. Wanting to impress his guest, he orders thousands of diamonds to be brought in and strung on each knot of a giant net that covers the walls and ceilings of the palace. When Buddha arrives, he steps into the great room, he gasps and he dances to the middle of the room with awe. He exclaims to Indra how perfectly his net captures the nature of reality. Every gem reflects the same light. Even when you move a gem, the movement is reflected in all the others. And so it is with us – every action we take is reflected throughout all humanity. Every action makes a difference. Indra was so moved that he began to cry great tears, and he said, ‘This web is too important. It’s not meant solely for my eyes, but it is for everyone. All must know this.’ He then pulled it down from the ceiling and the walls, and he took it out to his balcony and flung it mightily into the sky. And today, the stars, or Indra’s net, remind us we’re all connected. Every action has a ripple effect. And the telling of that story might remind others of our innate connection.”
This is such a beautiful story that reminds us how interconnected we all are.
What a wonderful time to remember this truth as we are immersed in this Season of Love. Every time you THINK a kind thought and FEEL love in your heart, it is automatically felt, and inwardly heard by everyone. YOU are God’s love diamond connected to all of God’s other love diamonds. YOUR actions of compassion, empathy, and caring spread out into the world. YOU are moving in, among, and along with all other gems in this universe. YOU are precious, treasured and an influencer in the Great Whole.
Blessings, Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
December is here and Christians and many New Thought Churches and Centers honor the Advent Season. This is the four weeks before Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, the Master Teacher. Advent
is a time of preparation and remembrance in Consciousness. In New Thought we honor the Advent Season by recognizing the birth of Jesus as the Birth of the Christ Consciousness within each one of us. Many traditional churches are waiting for the Christ to come again. In New Thought, we believe the Christ comes within each one of us as God Consciousness. We are the ONE we have been waiting for.
Rev. Steve gave a wonderful message at The Unity Center in Mira Mesa this past Sunday on the message of HOPE. Reflecting on Hope is the first Sunday in Advent.
Faith is the second Sunday.
Joy is the third Sunday.
Peace is the fourth Sunday.
I smile because I am reminded of these beautiful essences in simple ways.
We just finished decorating our house for Christmas and I have candles with the words Peace, Love and Joy on them. I have finger tip towels with the words Joyful, Merry, Believe and Peace on them. I am constantly reminded to keep my heart and consciousness on one or all of these vibrations daily!
The past two years, we have all been through many changes, and we will continue to go through changes. It is part of our life cycle. Facing any challenge, we can dig deep within to find HOPE. Hope is the first step to FAITH. With Faith, we let go of fear, and we resonate with JOY. With Joy comes PEACE, the Peace that passes understanding, for then we have a glimpse of our God Nature, LOVE.
Enjoy this season.
Abigail and Steve