Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen





Dear Friends,

The year 2021 is ending, and a brand new 2022 year awaits us. I am looking forward to it and all the wonderful possibilities of good happening. I was looking at an
old Vision Board one morning and saw things that had come to pass and others still waiting to be demonstrated. On the board I had glued on a phrase
(I don’t remember which magazine or the author) saying,
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”
Years ago as an intern minister, my mentor and teacher, Dr. Juanella Evans told me to choose a favorite song for our pianist to play while I walked up to the lectern.
I chose the song, “Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen.”
I still love that song. Here are the words.
” Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Nothing is too good to last forever;
Everything is possible to God through me and you.
Happiness is everywhere about us,
So let us all happy be;
There are no dark clouds to frown upon us,
The sun will shine wherever we may be.
To the left, to the right,
Look around, see the light.
If it’s smiles you spread, then it’s smiles you’ll meet,
And a song in your heart put wings on your feet.
Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Everything is possible to God through me and you.”
You may be thinking , “There are just some things I can’t do.” However God says, “Yes you can!” Read the list below. Have you ever said any of those things?
Switch your mind set and affirm what God says. Your word is your power. The more you say it, the more you believe it, the faster your “possibilities” happen.







As you prepare for the coming 2022 year, stop a moment and reflect on your life. What is it you really want? Believe in those things.
Be grateful even before they demonstrate.
What would put a smile on your face?
What would make you happy?
What would make your heart sing for joy?
Create a Vision Board with wonderful “possibilities” knowing nothing is too wonderful to happen. Even if you think something is ‘top of the line’ wonderful,
always leave room for God to create something even GREATER than what you imagine. Your words, thoughts, and imagination are your creative power.
Say it, Believe it, Be Grateful for it, Manifest it!
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”

Affirming All Wonderful Possibilities,

Abigail and Steve