Are We There Yet?







Dear Friends,

How often have you asked the question… “Are We There Yet?”
I remember as a child my parents and I would drive from Illinois to Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents and I know along the way, I asked
“Are we there yet?” The drive seemed soooo long.

Waiting in anticipation for a loved one to arrive, a celebration to happen, or the word about who got the promotion always seems to take soooo long.
There must be something in our genes, that makes us always pushing towards the next step, the next idea, the next event as quickly as possible. We can hardly contain ourselves.

It is also a challenge to wait for a prayer to demonstrate. We are impatient because we want everything to happen now. The truth is, every word, every thought, every prayer is always answered in the NOW in Divine Mind. In God there is no delay only Divine Timing. Our human timeframe is different. We need to remember all parts of the prayer are being worked on behind the scenes. Rev. Christine Green says,
“Progress is happening on an inner level where we can’t see.”
(December ‘Science of Mind’ magazine)
In the early 90’s I prayed for a spiritual partner in marriage. I met him in 1999. The timing in 1990 was not right, my partner was still in another state and in another marriage.

Here is something to ponder. We are never there, and yet always here. Even if and when we “get there,” we are still here, at this moment in time that does not have a past or a future. It is called living in the NOW moment as Ekhart Tolle often said. When we feel the compulsion to ask “Are we there yet?,” let us turn those words around and say, “There we are!” or “Here we are.”

Let us pray, and affirm what we want by saying,
“Thank you God for All this and or something better in the right time
and in the right way!”
Doing this takes the anxiety out of waiting. This means we accept Divine Delay in all aspects of our life because God has something better planned.
Remember how long it takes a flower to bloom after planting the seed. We plant prayer seeds knowing it will bloom and demonstrate when ready.

In my car ride after asking “Are we there yet,” my parents would explain the number of hours it takes to drive and show me the clock. I could see about when we would get there. Then we would play the car games of “How many red cars do you see? Who can spot a green truck? What rhymes with……? Doing something fun diverted my attention and then the drive was a snap!

We too can divert our anxious thoughts by KNOWING God’s timing is always perfect. We have faith in the outcome KNOWING it will be right and true for us. We can move forward KNOWING and believing we are HEARD and God has answered us in the right time and way for our highest good.