Let Us ALL Rise in Consciousness






Dear Friends,

Life is all about Consciousness. Our Consciousness is how we perceive and act in the world. Our hearts & minds create our lives.
In the ‘Daily Word’ I read
“I rise in consciousness to help create a world that works for all.
As more and more people reach their highest potential,
the whole of humanity ascends.”
As we continue to proceed in 2022, let us think about intentions or goals always evolving.

Where are you now in consciousness (thought word and deed?)
Where would you like your consciousness to be evolving towards in thought, word and deed? Life is always in the process of evolution.
We are here on earth because we have lessons to learn and karma to fulfill. On a scale of 1-10, where do you see yourself?
If 1 is FEAR and 10 is LOVE, where are you?

Perhaps this year is not just about setting outward goals and intentions, maybe this year is about setting inward consciousness
goals and intentions.
Moving toward LOVE as 10 may mean breaking down the barriers
to LOVE by asking yourself these questions.
Am I Bias? If so towards Whom?
Am I Prejudice? If so towards Whom?
Do I have a closed mind and attitude to different opinions?
Where do I stand on race and equity issues?
Where do I stand on immigrants and refugees?
Where do I stand on LGTBQ people?
Where do I stand on Republican or Democrat beliefs?
HOW can I break down these barriers to love?

LOVE, number 10, encompasses compassion, kindness, service, generosity, honesty, patience, respect, graciousness, equity, listening,
gratitude and forgiveness to name a few.

This year as we consider our goals and intentions, let us all RISE in Consciousness to help create a world that works for everyone.
The more people who are evolving towards LOVE in heart, mind and action will help everyone reach their highest potential,
and the whole world will benefit and ascend!

With Loving Kindness,
Abigail and Steve