Dear Friends,
This past weekend I had the honor of sitting by my friend’s bedside as she begins her transition from earthly live into her heavenly life.
It was difficult to realize we will not be laughing, or talking anymore, and sharing stories.
I sat with her praying both out loud and in silence. I shared with her some experiences I have had with those who have crossed over because
I believe they wanted me to know they are alive and well. I also spoke of memories we had together with Steve and her husband. Just this past Fall
we celebrated their 40th anniversary and we flew in Hawaiian leis. She could not travel anymore to Hawaii so we brought Hawaii to her.
The poem above is one Steve and I have used at Celebration of Life memorials.
Reading it helps us and others know in our hearts that life is eternal. As our friend prepares to leave her physical body,
we know there are many others waiting for her with open arms, smiles and joy on the other side of the veil.

Another favorite memorial poem is THE ROSE BEYOND THE WALL”

I love this poem because after my father died, a rose bloomed in my garden in the winter and it never had bloomed at that time of year before.
I do believe it was him saying, I am fine and it is beautiful here.
I am knowing our dear, beautiful friend is the ROSE, and is gently moving into the space we call the other side so she can shine her light brilliantly there, as she did here.

Life Everlasting, Continue reading