The Golden Key






Dear Friends,

“The answer to every problem already exists in the Mind of God, and you are in the Mind of God, and the Mind of God is flowing through you this minute.” Ernest Holmes

I loved reading this quote in the Science of Mind magazine this month. In my early meditation and prayer time I reflected on its meaning and how true it is.
Every problem or challenge I have had in my life, when I turned to God within, the answers appeared, not always in the way I wanted or even in the time frame
I imagined. However my prayers were always answered!!!
Emmet Fox in his booklet “The Golden Key,”
says the answer to all prayers is:
“Turn away from the problem
and think about God.”
This seems like such an easy solution and yet our human minds cannot always comprehend the simplicity of such a statement. Our Master teacher, Jesus the Christ,
said to be as little children in order to enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom meaning the Consciousness of God. So when we turn away from concerns such as ill health,
challenging finances, toxic relationships…. we think about the Wisdom, Intelligence, Love, Compassion, Truth of God. We enter into God Consciousness, the Kingdom.

Years ago when Steve and I had the “Child Centered Church” a mother and son would always attend. After a Sunday lesson on “The Golden Key,” the mother called me a
few days later and said her son really remembered the lesson. He was playing in a park sandbox with many of his little trucks and cars. He would bury them, then find them. When his mother said it was time to leave, he began gathering his trucks and cars, and one was missing. He looked and dug for awhile and his mom said they really had to go. Apparently he closed his eyes and ‘thought about God.’ When he opened his eyes, he knew exactly where the car was. He put his hand in the sand and pulled it up! His mother was amazed.
He said, “I just thought about God, and I found my car!”

I loved this true story and know no matter how little or BIG we think our issues are, GOD is BIGGER, Wiser and All Knowing. Today, think about God, keep your mind on God,
see God in all people, places and things.
“The answer to every problem already exists in the Mind of God, and you are in the Mind of God, and the Mind of God is flowing through you this minute.” EH

I guarantee you will have a Beautiful, Mindful, Divine day!”

The Mind of God in me, as me, is me,
Abigail and Steve