GIVE for the sake of Giving


Dear Friends,
“Tammy Loya organized 14 of her friends to go to breakfast and each agreed to pay $100 for the bill in order to leave their waitress a sizable tip. When their server saw the 15 $100 bills, resulting in a $1,335 tip, she burst into tears. What the breakfast group didn’t know was their server’s husband had just been diagnosed with cancer, and the couple had medical bills to pay. The tip allowed her to pay their bills and buy a few Christmas gifts. The waitress planned to use the leftover money to help someone else.”
(Science of Mind magazine April 2022)

I loved reading this story which reminded me of times I gave more than the 20% tip at a restaurant. Some years ago, Steve and I were having lunch at a well known restaurant, and we were engaging our waitress in conversation. This particular young waitress shared how she was looking forward to the summer when she could spend time in the Peace Corp. Steve and I decided we wanted to help, so we gave her an extra $100 to use in this selfless endeavor.
Of course she was stunned and started to cry. We both felt so good to be able to help this lovely young lady. To this day, we do not know what happened and it doesn’t matter. At the time it was the right thing to do.

Just recently I had lunch with two friends of mine and we always go to the same restaurant and our favorite waitress always serves us. We just love her. She knows us and welcomes us and always remembers our favorite food and drink choices. Her happy face and sweet personality always makes us want to come back there. As we engaged her in conversation, she told us it was her birthday that day. When she finished taking our order, we decided to pool our money and give it to her in addition to a tip for her birthday. It was my turn to pay the bill and I chose to give her a 40% tip as a birthday bonus. I did not tell the other ladies I did that. Needless to say our sweet waitress was a bit overcome and appreciative, with tears in her eyes. She kept saying, “You don’t have to do this…” And of course we did! And we were happy to do it!

There are times in our lives we just want to help another person out by monetary means. When called to do so, do it! We (Steve and my friends) never thought of gaining anything in return.

Our purpose in life is to love, serve, give and forgive others. There is the Karmic saying, “What goes around comes around.” The more you give, the more you receive. My mother always told me, “When you do good things, you get good things.”

We all want to give to world wide organizations like the Red Cross, humanitarian organizations, and especially now to help the Ukrainian people, which is wonderful and needed. For today, think about how you can give generously to those in your community.
BIG TIP for your favorite waitress/waiter at a restaurant.
Bring clothes that no longer serve you to the Good Will, Salvation Army stores. Be sure the clothes are in good condition and think about how the person will feel wearing it. Homeless and those who are in financial crisis want to feel good about what they are wearing just as you do.
Check out the organizations that provide clothes for those looking for jobs after being incarcerated.
Have a bag ready with non-perishable food and cash in your car to give to those who are asking for help on the streets.

There are so many ways to GIVE. When an idea comes forth from your heart and mind, give generously. Not only are you helping others, you are helping yourself.
Give with JOY
Give without strings attached.
Give without knowing the outcome.

Loving and Giving
Abigail and Steve