Peace Begins with the LIGHT in Each Person


We know there is POWER in Prayer, POWER in intentions, POWER in action.          This Saturday at the Labyrinth Walk we will be gathered in a sacred circle
to raise the consciousness and vibrations of the world through prayer. We will be connected to the collective of all Labyrinth walkers that day
and others praying and affirming Divine Intervention, Divine Peace and Justice throughout the world. With all of us in the ONE MIND, we can
shift the consciousness of the planet. Prayer with intention is “Purposeful action.”

An Old Chinese proverb says,
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is harmony in the nation , there will be peace in the world.”


“Today I remember that nothing is greater than God, the one presence and power in the universe. I pray that I may know this great power
as my own, as part of my divine birthright. I use my power wisely to speak up for what I believe is right, to be strong for someone who
feels weak, to be brave when others feel afraid. I draw my power from a deep well of faith that the nature of God is all good and that
adversity will wither under the light of truth.
My power keeps me strong in God.” (April Daily Word).

Peace and Light,
Abigail and Steve