There is a Field, I will meet you there.

Dear Friends,

Steve and I had the opportunity to listen to Rabbi David Zaslow the other evening hosted by Rev. Michelle Ingalls, minister of One Heart One Mind CSL, on a zoom presentation. Rabbi David Zaslow’s presentation focused on:
“How the Israelites, like other indigenous peoples, had a view of reality that is markedly different than the way Western thinking perceives and processes the world around us. It has been called Hebraic thinking – a more wholistic view of reality. Unity rather than duality, harmony rather than antagonism. It looks at the relationship between time and space, between the creation and the Creator, and even in our perception of God.”

One major idea Rabbi Zaslow presented was G-D IS ALL THERE IS. G-d is not only in people, but in the trees, flowers, animals and everywhere present. Everyone and everything is ONE. We are all Unified and part of the ONENESS of G-D. Does this sound familiar? Reading the first Daily Guide in the July Science of Mind magazine Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard says, our first relationship is with God, our journey in life is “discovering and expanding this relationship.” What we discover is God is not out there somewhere, God is here now, in us, as us and is us. I wrote in the Chat, “God in us, as us, is us.” and the Rabbi commented how much he agreed with that idea.

Quotes from the SoM magazine emphasizes the Truth Rabbi Zaslow presented and our New Thought Beliefs.
“You are not separate from the whole, You are one with the sun, the earth, the air. You don’t have a life, You are life. – Eckhart Tolle

“We say we are one with God and one in God. This is a mistake; we are one of whatever the nature of God is. Whatever it is, it is one.”
Ernest Holmes

The thought struck me, the reason I resonate with Hebraic thinking and the Mystic traditions ( Sufi, Kabbala, Christian, Hindu Buddhist Mystics and other Mystics) is because NEW THOUGHT is a Mystical religion founded by Mystics! The Truth of ONENESS is in the core of its Beliefs and Universal Principles.

All Mystical religions believe in the ONENESS of all nature and union with God. The Rumi quote has new and more profound meaning for me.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field,
I will meet you there…”

That is the field I want to meet people, where dogma, creed no longer mater or exist. The only thing that matters is seeing GOD in the field showing up as the many unique and variety of people, animals, flowers etc. LIFE Itself.
The last part of Rumi’s quote is profound;
“,,,even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make sense.”

I am you and you are me. We are One. We are God.


Mystically ONE,
Abigail and Steve

Little Moments are Filled with Awe and Joy

Dear Friends,

The other day I was sitting with Steve in an outside restaurant having lunch.
It was a beautiful day, and there was a slight breeze blowing through the outside veranda. I thought to myself, I want to remember this when everything came together for a perfect moment in time. I will cherish this and not forget it. With so many unfortunate happenings around the world, I must always be aware and appreciative of the little moments of wonder, joy and awe.

Even something as simple as washing and drying our dishes brings us joy.
We laugh, look at the beauty outside our window and the job gets done with grace and ease.

I love sitting out on my balcony in the mornings with my cup of coffee. The weather is perfect and I see the sun rise and hear the birds singing.
I am grateful for that moment in time.

Spending time with family is so important to us. We look at the baby pictures of our granddaughter and have loved each monthly moment of her growing up.
Now she is 20 months old and we cherish the time we spend with her.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so all we have is NOW to be fully present and grateful. The little moments you spend with your loved ones,
and/or by yourself having a splendid moment, always be grateful.

My Body is a Temple of God



Dear Friends,

“My body is the temple holding my soul.
And it is up to me to take care of it and love it as it is”
Kelly Robbins

How often do you think of your body as a Temple of the Living God? Probably not often. We look at ourselves in the mirror and find all the things we do not like about our body, rather than looking at it in AWE and respect. Our human body is holding our soul and spirit while we are here on earth. And every atom, cell and molecule are keenly aware of their Divinity. Our monkey minds/ego forget how precious our bodies really are.

I love the topic of the June Science of Mind Magazine “THE BODY TEMPLE.”       Kelly Robbins has a wonderful article in there. She says,
“According to Genesis, the body is a creation of divine life…” Our body holds our Divine Life. Our body is a vessel to experience life in this world.”
When we come to terms with that idea, we realize not only can we love the soul, spirit, and God within, we can and need to LOVE our body, flesh and bones.

T – TALK to your body. It hears you. All is consciousness so what you are THINKING is bringing relief or hurt. TOUCH the area of pain and whisper words of healing, wholeness and love.
You are the TEMPLE of the Living God
E – EXERCISE. Stretching and moving the body will keep it feeling good. Find something that appeals to you; biking, jogging, swimming, yoga, the treadmill, and/or walk with a friend. Make it fun. Your body will thank you. When my legs start aching, I know it is time to MOVE and do something. Yoga and Walking keep my legs, feet and the rest of my body feeling good.
EAT Healthy foods!
M – MIRROR MIRROR on the wall, who is the most beautiful of all? I AM!
Say that to yourself every time you look in the mirror. Saying I AM is your Truth. God is the Mighty I AM Spirit which you are
P – PRAY and affirm PERFECT health. Whether you stand, kneel, sit, dance or sing your prayer, wholeness is your Divine birthright!
L – LOVE every part of you inside and out. When you LOVE yourself, you are respecting, honoring and appreciating all the GOOD you are. When we love and respect ourselves, others will love and respect us.
E – ETERNAL YOU is in your human body. ‘I believe that heaven (God, Spirit…) is within you and that you will experience it to the degree that you become conscious of it.’ This is taken from “What We Believe” by Ernest Holmes. Once you are conscious (thinking and feeling agree) of Spirit as your health and wholeness within and AS your body, you will experience health and wholeness.
Your eternal wholeness continues when it is time to slip through the veil to the other side.

Abigail and Steve