Little Moments are Filled with Awe and Joy

Dear Friends,

The other day I was sitting with Steve in an outside restaurant having lunch.
It was a beautiful day, and there was a slight breeze blowing through the outside veranda. I thought to myself, I want to remember this when everything came together for a perfect moment in time. I will cherish this and not forget it. With so many unfortunate happenings around the world, I must always be aware and appreciative of the little moments of wonder, joy and awe.

Even something as simple as washing and drying our dishes brings us joy.
We laugh, look at the beauty outside our window and the job gets done with grace and ease.

I love sitting out on my balcony in the mornings with my cup of coffee. The weather is perfect and I see the sun rise and hear the birds singing.
I am grateful for that moment in time.

Spending time with family is so important to us. We look at the baby pictures of our granddaughter and have loved each monthly moment of her growing up.
Now she is 20 months old and we cherish the time we spend with her.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so all we have is NOW to be fully present and grateful. The little moments you spend with your loved ones,
and/or by yourself having a splendid moment, always be grateful.