Growing where God Plants You



Nothing can stop GOD’s Divine Plan for our lives and the lives of every person, animal, and plant! Even in the midst of hardship and challenges,
God will lead your way to where you need to be. No mistakes made, only lessons learned.

“Life isn’t about reaching a single perfect destination… life’s path is continuous, challenging and everchanging.”
Rae Lynn Thayne

I showed my friend Sande Hart this photo of the plant breaking through the cement, and she said:
“Looks like it’s on its way to its divine purpose! And look at the brick border that did not stand a chance against this fragile thing with a plan! Love it!”

I have often thought about how all my choices seemed to have brought me exactly where I am today doing what I am supposed to do. However, I had another thought.
What if I had or you had made different choices. I believe my soul and your soul’s purpose would still be carried through. I believe, as many do, ALL paths lead to God.
I also believe all choices will ultimately lead us to our Divine purpose. Whether you go LEFT or RIGHT, and experience life differently, your soul is here to accomplish
a purpose. I do believe events, angels, miracles will always get us back on track. We are all evolving onward and upward. That is the truth. How we do that may take
different turns, trails, roads and paths. But we will achieve what we came here to do. Our life is eternal so it may even take another lifetime to complete our
soul mission.

It is important to follow your heart’s desire. The word desire mean “Of the Father.” Follow your heart, follow your intuition, follow your Divine Guidance and you will
continue to stay on your soul’s purpose.

This little plant is following its Divine purpose and plan. Nothing can stop it. It will grow and BE even between the cement and bricks. It certainly isn’t the easiest
way to grow, but it is growing despite appearances. In fact it looks healthy. Hardships and challenges strengthen us!

Growing in Purpose,                                                                                                Abigail and Steve