Divine Intelligence is Within YOU


Dear Friends,

Have you ever heard someone say, or have you said?:
“I don’t know…
I don’t know how….
I don’t know when….
I don’t….blah blah blah.”

If so, think about this quote for a moment…
“I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination that scatters the moonbeams across the waves and holds the forces of nature in its grasp.”
Ernest Holmes ( August Science of Mind magazine)

I read that quote and was mesmerized by the immensity of it. The same Intelligence (GOD) who created the universe and all within, is the same intelligence in me. WOW. God in me, as me, is me AND has all the answers I will ever need or want! The “I don’t know” thinking does not exist in God, for Divine Intelligence does have all the answers. When I or when we play dumb, we block the myriad of ideas that could be pouring forth through us from the Universal Intelligence of God.

What is it you think you do not know? STOP for a moment and claim the answer right here, right now, right where you are!!! If the answer does not come to mind immediately TRUST the answer will come TO you or through someone else. You will be lead to the answer of your prayer, your request. Declare the quote above and put in your unknown.

“I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination that scatters the moonbeams across the waves and holds the forces of nature in its grasp.” This intelligence within me knows the answer, can solve the problem and bring all the right people and circumstances TO ME to answer my question and or request.”

Sit quietly for a moment or 10 or 20 moments or until you feel a peaceful shift happening within you. At that point you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt your Divine Intelligence has heard you and is acting on your request.

We must remember, we are GOD being GOD here on earth in the form of a human body. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, not the other way around. We are born with God Intelligence, Love, Joy, Happiness, Wholeness and Wisdom. Declare God Intelligence is guiding you daily and bringing to you what you need and what you ask for. All prayers are heard and all prayers are answered NOW in Spirit. Human time may be different, nevertheless, it is answered.

Go about your day knowing the same Intelligence that created the earth, water, life, planet, sun, moon, stars, galaxies, universes and dimensions is the same Intelligence in YOU!

Say and Claim:
I do know…
I do know how…
I do know when…
I just do… because the Intelligence of God exists within me!

And so it is!!!