ONE POWER and We Can Use It


“There is a Power in the Universe and You Can Use It!
Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science taught us this profound Truth.
I like to state it for me personally.
“There is a Power in the Universe and I Can Use It!

I loved reading the daily messages from Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon in the Science of Mind Magazine this month. It is all about our inner ability and inner knowing. He said, ” We can use this same Power that births a baby or holds the cosmos in place by simply being willing to surrender to it.” The consciousness that created the problem is the small “c” consciousness. The large “C” Consciousness ” has no limitations and no parameters,” and has the answer.

How many times have your tried to fix a problem, fix a relationship, and/or
fix a health issue? Did it feel like you were pushing a boulder up a hill? The boulder is the small “c” consciousness where you feel you have to
fix” it by yourself. Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” So if it is in your mind, you are part of the problem. Time to “LET GO and LET GOD.” Access the large “C” Consciousness in you and simply release it in to your GOD SELF within and allow the Divine Answer to manifest.

“Remember the Inner Mind knows infinitely more than the intellect.”
– Ernest Holmes.

Just thinking about GOD taps into the Divine.