Have FAITH in Your FAITH








August 30, 2022

Dear Friends,

Life is life, and always a journey. These past few months have put my faith to the test. I had symptoms which required a uterine biopsy, a urine test and a colonoscopy.
Well, I came through tests one and two fine. Then there was the colonoscopy. This put my faith to the test. Do I truly believe in the Spiritual principals of New Thought?
Do I truly believe Spirit, which I am, is whole perfect and complete? Do I believe in my ONENESS as God? Do I trust it?
Do I believe what Jesus the Christ said, “When ye pray, believe that ye have, and ye shall receive.”

I put my faith to the test. The weeks before the colonoscopy I did these things:
In the morning I sat quietly in prayer and meditation. I visioned a flow of Divine Light coming through my crown chakra, moving slowly through all areas of my body. This healing LIGHT went down through my feet to Mother Earth. I envisioned the Light and love of Mother Earth coming up through my body as healing Light. I could feel the energetic vibration as the flows merged in my body.

I envisioned a healthy colon. I told my colon it was loved and I appreciated all it does to keep my body healthy and whole.

I wrote out prayer treatments and affirmations declaring my health and wholeness. I wrote over and over ” My colon is healthy.” Most importantly I declared my ONENESS in, of and as God. There is no separation. Spirit within me is whole, perfect and complete, always has been and always will be. It is the ONENESS that is central to our beliefs. The CORE of my being is God. The CORE of my colon and entire body is God.
I said this “Meditation for Self Help” from the Science of Mind Text by Ernest Holmes.
He is Mighty Within Me to Heal
God within me is mighty to heal.
He healeth me of all my diseases and removes all fear from me.
My God within is now healing me of all sickness and pain,
and is bringing comfort to my soul.
God is my Life, I cannot be sick.
I hear the voice of Truth telling me to arise and walk, for I am healed!
I Am Healed!

I walked our labyrinth knowing health and wholeness is my true nature. I felt the energy of the rocks as I wound my way to the center, which represents the center and wholeness of my being. I had to trust in a Divine Right Outcome as I walked out. I had to release and let go of fear. Throughout this process my internal knowing led me to believe All Is Well!
GOOD NEWS. After the procedure, the outcome was ‘no cancer.’
There were suggestions as to what foods to avoid. Eat more fiber etc.
Times like these in life, put our faith to the test. All I can say is:
‘Thank you God!”
Abigail and Steve