Put Spiritual Practice into Practice








Dear Friends,

I know many of you are committed to a daily spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, yoga, meditative walk and/or more.
It is a wonderful way to center yourself to begin your day. Does it end there? Are you taking the benefits of your practice into your work space,
volunteer work, team work and/or out and about on errands?
If not, how will your spiritual practice benefit you and others?

A Zen Koan says:
Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
Your daily life needs to reflect your spiritual practice.

I believe we are all ONE in this life. I am you and you are me. I can make a choice to benefit you because I know the Law of Circulation and Attraction says,
‘What I do comes back to me.’ How are you helping, uplifting, encouraging, supporting and or promoting others at your work space, volunteering place, with friends,
family or strangers?
The idea of climbing up the work ladder by pushing others down is the old paradigm. That way of working and thinking suppresses creativity.
The new paradigm is promoting the talents, skills and abilities of others.
This enhances joy, and new innovative ideas of all people.

” Competition limits our divine inspiration. We must resolve the thought of competition into its native nothingness. Truth does not compete with anyone.
We should never watch to see what another is doing or how they are doing it. for when we do this, we limit our own possibilities to the range of another’s vision.”
“Our work is not divorced from our spiritual life or from opportunities for spiritual growth. In fact it is there where we have the greatest chances to practice
our principles.” 
(Petra Weldes, September Science of Mind magazine)

Thank you to Judy B for sending me this powerful You Tube video. It truly shows how we can BE and put our spiritual principles and beliefs into practice.
Enjoy “How to Use Power”!

How to Use Power – YouTube