October 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

Happy October! I love the quote above because I love the word “Awesome.”
I love the concept of making something awesome. It is an attitude and a life choice.

Many of us have complained about the hot summer weather and are looking forward to cooler days. Let us rethink our summer and declare it awesome too. We are alive and are blessed with so many wonderful people, family and friends. We have technology to communicate with others. We have a roof over our heads and money in the bank. We are blessed to be able to serve God by serving people. So our summer was awesome. regardless of weather.

Let us take the AWESOME idea and a grateful heart with us into October, the rest of this year, next year 2023 and beyond. We know when we speak, our words and energy go out into the Law of Mind and is fulfilled.

The cooler days are awesome. The colorful fall leaves are awesome. Preparing for the winter season and all the holidays is awesome. Life is good. Declare it and be it.

A – Always Keep a Good Attitude.
W – Wield kind and uplifting words.
E – Expect Joy, happiness and love and watch them enter in numerous ways.
S – Simply know Life is Spectacular.
O – Only YOU can change your attitude
M – More Good comes when you speak it into visibility.
E – Eagerly anticipate an Awesome Day!

Abigail and Steve