Be Flexible Be Teachable


“You know, if the tree didn’t bend a little before the wing, it would break off just like an icicle. Nature has provided flexibility…”
Ideas of Power, pg44-45, October Science of mind magazine)

Dear Friends,
LIFE is all about being flexible and teachable. We know change is a constant and without new ideas, and learning we would not move forward spiritually, educationally, emotionally or physically etc.

This past weekend we celebrated our granddaughter’s 2nd birthday and I was watching her closely so her parents could set up for the party. She showed me her new train set and all the train cars were magnetized to easily bring together. She couldn’t quite figure it out so I showed her. She immediately got it and started putting the cars together, still with a little help. I love watching her learn new things. She is open, and teachable.

A friend of ours just gave notice to her boss to leave the company. She is ready to both move out of the area and find a new job. She said it wasn’t easy however there was something within her that just KNEW this was the time even though she does not have a new job lined up. That takes strength and courage as well as flexibility. She is willing to learn new skills at a new job.

Last night Steve and I were are the Sikh Foundation for a FAITH and BLUE event. I was the coordinator with the Poway Sheriff’s Dept. It was excellent.
The theme was SAFETY, in the faith sanctuaries, community and individually. Lots of questions were asked and answered by the Deputies and Captain. I know many of the officers had never stepped in into a Sikh building before where head coverings and shoe coverings were required. There was even a Turban Tying demonstration with Captain Karla Menzies. As our friend Amardeep said, it “demystifies the turban.” These officers were experiencing and learning something new. They all graciously answered all of our questions and new rapport and respect was generated among all who attended.
We ALL learned new things.

Everyday has new possibilities, opportunities, and educational experiences.
Be open and receptive. Be Wise like the tree which bends when necessary. Spirit is always giving you signs to go, do and be. Follow those intuitive signs, Be flexible, teachable and bend like the tree.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve