Lifting the Veil







Dear Friends,

Halloween is right around the corner. Not only is it a time for kids to dress up, wear masks and go trick or treating, it is also a sacred holiday for our
Mexican and Wiccan brothers and sisters.
My friend Devra Gregory, a Wiccan Priestess says, “Samhaim, October 31, is “All Hallows Eve.” It is similar to the Mexican “Day of the Dead” where the veil
between the earth world and after-life is thin. This is also how the Halloween tradition with masks and costumes started. Samhain is the time of doing rituals
to access our ancestors. We recognize the cycle of life and the continuation of life beyond the veil. Seances are popular at this time.”

Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is a traditional Mexican holiday celebrated November 2. On this day, it is believed that the souls of the dead return
to visit their living family members. Many people celebrate this day by visiting the graves of deceased loved ones and setting up altars with their favorite foods,
drink, and photos.

These holy days are celebrating life, here in this dimension, and on the other side. In New Thought we believe life is eternal. Those who have “passed on” are still
living in a different reality. I believe our consciousness expands and can move through many dimensions. When we pray, our consciousness taps into the Divine and is
received by the person we are praying for. There is no reason why we cannot tap into the Divine and reach those on the other side.

Day of the Dead

I believe they are trying to connect with us here as well. We need to be open, and receptive. Many of us have already had experiences with our passed loved ones.
We have seen, heard or been aware of their presence.
During these days, October 31 – November 2 light a candle, speak your loved ones name, call them to come and visit you, and ask them to leave you a sign and let you know they are alive, well and happy.

Lifting the Veil,
Abigail and Steve