What Is Mine To Do?







December 27, 2022

Dear Friends,

We are coming to the end of 2022 and we want to wish you all Happy New Year! We pray the High Consciousness of Good Will, Peace, Love and Compassion will continue from these Holy Days on into 2023.
Many of you will be participating in Burning Bowl ceremonies where you write down what you wish to release and what no longer serves you. Some of you may also participate in the beautiful White Stone Ceremony where a new idea, new thought or new focus will enter your Consciousness given by the Divine within you. This word will be written on a white stone for you to keep handy and look at throughout the coming year. I love these ceremonies because we really take inventory of our lives, past and future.
One other ceremony I would like to add to the two, is a personal ceremony of the present. “What is Mine To Do?” I believe getting in touch with our own unique gifts, our special talents, skills, abilities can fine tune our purpose, plans and actions. We are not here to COPY another person just because we admire them or feel they are a role model. We are here because WE, each one of us, is a unique GOD Being with a specialized and unique life.

There are times when I see a friend or colleague spreading their light to others, taking part in peace and justice activities, helping the homeless, providing homes for pets and animals and many more deserving ways to be in service.
I have to ask myself, is this MINE TO DO?

If I don’t get a heart bling, I think, probably not. When I do get a heart bling, I am excited and can hardly wait to participate in an event or create one myself. I admire those who do way more than I do in service, and yet I know when
I am planning an interfaith event or labyrinth walk, and/or standing up for others, I feel energized and know this is mine to do.

This coming year I encourage you to BE YOURSELF, BE AUTHENTIC in all that you do. You are unique with a purpose no one else can do.

Each Morning take time during your prayer and meditation time to:
• Light a candle (or votive)
• Affirm: There is only One Life, that is the Life of God, that Life is Perfect and that is my life now! I surrender this day unto you Oh Lord.
• Ask, “What is Mine To Do Today ?”
• Place your hand over your heart and wait for the bling as a thought, or feeling. Just know you are in God’s Hands because you surrendered.
• Your day may be simple.
• Your day may be complex.
• Your day may come with new opportunities. Follow up on them.

Only YOU can do what is yours to do!

Being Me,
Abigail and Steve

Birth Your Christ Consciousness



Dear Friends,

Last weekend we had the pleasure of attending the “WALK THROUGH BETHLEHEM,” an authentic re-enactment of the Nativity Story presented by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. It felt real and sacred.

This experience gave me pause to think about that night over 2,000 years ago when the LIGHT and LOVE of God came forth in this beautiful child to change the world consciousness. I believe this story when read, sang about, re-enacted each year, reminds us of where we are in consciousness, and we re-discover the story is really our own. We all were birthed in the earth dimension, coming in as pure spiritual beings in a human body. We grow, we learn, we make mistakes, we get angry, and yet we are still those beautiful spiritual beings and will forever be. This Christmas let us birth something greater than we can ever imagine. Let us birth greater compassion, greater, joy, greater care for ourselves, greater service for others, greater love for all people everywhere.
Let us truly birth our own Christ Consciousness, as the LIGHT of the World.

Remember, you are a wise man bringing your own sacred gifts to the world honoring God, Christ and the Divine Universe.
You are the shepherd, humble and in service to those who need care and help.
You are the Angel speaking Truth, Joy and the Good news in high vibrations.
You are Joseph, the protector, leader, strong in heart and mind.
You are Mary, willing to listen and do God’s Will no matter what.
You are Jesus, the Christ Consciousness, come to earth to spread Love, Joy
Peace and Belief in your own minds and hearts to create a world that works for everyone.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day. It is a Holy Day. Let us keep the sacredness of this day in mind as we gather with family and friends.

In Love and Light,
Abigail and Steve







Dear Friends,

Steve and I were with our family (Tammy, Glenn, Peyton, granddaughter, Sue and Steve Busch, other grandparents,) at a Christmas in the Park event last weekend. We all met around 4:30pm. Steve and I were looking for a parking spot, which seemed impossible with all the people there. I then had a thought to go to the next street and we found one parking spot. What made me think of going to that particular street when all streets and parking lots were full? I can only give credit to the Invisible Hand that has been guiding me all my life. I know it led me to meet Steve and I know it led my daughter Tammy to meet Glenn who is now her beloved partner and father to their precious little girl and our granddaughter.

Steve and I were reflecting on all the times we felt we were entirely guided by invisible hands. Both of us easily obtained jobs which pushed us forward in our Life Purpose. All my teaching jobs were practically handed to me with little effort other than an application and references. Steve had jobs which effortlessly pushed and promoted him into better jobs suited to his talents and skills. We know when one door closes another opens. We both were at the right place at the right time when we found a NEW THOUGHT community and knew we had come home to our tribe. Invisible Hands of God kept leading and pushing us forward.

Becoming New Thought ministers led us to our Interfaith Purpose.
What made me read a tiny paragraph about World Religion Day which invited those interested to meet with a Baha’i group? My first question was “Who is a Baha’i? I had to find out and meet these people. I was compelled to do so, which led to meeting other religious leaders who eventually became the founding members of POINT Poway Interfaith Team.
Invisible Hands

I know these Invisible Hands of God are really my GOD SELF talking and communicating to and with me. God is real and within me always as that inner voice for my highest and best. GOD within YOU is always guiding and giving you the best ideas, best information and renewed purpose for your earthly journey. This inner guidance may feel like a push, pull, thought or compulsion. Pay attention!

I truly believe as we listen, we are guided to become the best we can be, the best version of ourselves which includes our mistakes, failures, victories, ups and downs, bad and good times. All contribute to our growth spiritually, mentally, emotionally and intellectually. TRUST the Divine.
TRUST God’s Invisible Hand within you.

“There is a Presence within you that is with you, is ready, willing and able to guide you in all ways.”
-Ernest Holmes, “Thoughts are Things.”

Enjoy this beautiful song!
Invisible Hands by JD Martin and Paul Williams

When a child believes
He’ll live his dreams
His prayers are heard
He fears no thunder
And when he falls
He safely lands
Guided by invisible hands

When a mother cries
She hides her tears
Says the lord provides
But she can’t help wonder
Who will give her child
What his heart demands
Oh…. invisible hands

Lost in the darkness we are lifted by love
Whisper and somebody hears
And if we dare to make that leap of faith
Somehow the bridge appears

When a silent storm
Knocks me down
And the tide and times
Pull me under
I will stand again
On these shifting sands
Held by invisible hands
Oh….invisible hands

Lost in the darkness we are lifted by love
Whisper and somebody hears
And if we dare to make that leap of faith
Somehow the bridge appears

When a child believes
He’ll live his dreams
His prayers are heard
He fears no thunder
And when he falls
He safely lands
Guided by invisible hands

Trusting Our Invisible Hands of God,
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,

We have moved out of November, the month we focused on Thanksgiving, and gratitude for all aspects of our life, our family and our friends.

As we move into the month of December, many faiths celebrate their Holy Days. Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, their Savior, and all the teachings he represents: Light shining through darkness, Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself, Forgive 7×70, and Help your fellow man regardless of birth, culture or religion.

In New Thought we see the birth of Jesus the Christ (Christ meaning the anointed one) as a reminder that each one of us has the Christ Consciousness within and we can birth it at any time. For we are all sons and daughters of God. We are all Divine, Spiritual Beings in a human body. We practice His teachings. Jesus the Christ was the great example, (“What I do, you can do also”) not the great exception.

It is also a sacred time for our Jewish friends as they celebrate Hanukkah the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “Festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly
menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods. It is the national celebration of the rededication of the Holy Temple by the Jews at the end of the
Maccabean revolt.

It is also the time for Kwanzaa, where our African American brothers and sisters celebrate 7 principles of life, Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith.
They light candles for each principle.

Our Buddhist friends celebrate the Awakening of the Buddha. It is described as synonymous with Nirvana, the extinction of the passions whereby suffering is ended and no more rebirths take place. Following his enlightenment, the Buddha was said to have possessed and discussed several supernormal powers attainable through meditation. Such abilities include walking on water, walking through walls, becoming invisible, levitation… (internet exploration)!
In New Thought we often refer to the Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness and God Consciousness as ONE and interchangeable.

This month is a HIGH CONSCIOUSNESS time as people celebrate their Holy Days. Angels come nearer to earth. December is the month of reflecting on Love, Life, Family, Friends, Traditions and LIVING their faith by being generous, compassionate, and being the best version of themselves they can be.
It is a time for many to give gifts to loved ones, friends and those who are less fortunate. Gift giving comes from the heart. As you thoughtfully reflect on gifts for your families and friends, turn within to the Spirit of God and ask, “What is the highest and best I can give this person?” It may be the gift of love, forgiveness, a smile, your presence and/or one wrapped beautifully with a bow.

Whatever your faith is, Enjoy December. Be joyful each day and be grateful you are here to make a difference in the world.

Awakening to Love,
Abigail and Steve