Dear Friends,

Steve and I were with our family (Tammy, Glenn, Peyton, granddaughter, Sue and Steve Busch, other grandparents,) at a Christmas in the Park event last weekend. We all met around 4:30pm. Steve and I were looking for a parking spot, which seemed impossible with all the people there. I then had a thought to go to the next street and we found one parking spot. What made me think of going to that particular street when all streets and parking lots were full? I can only give credit to the Invisible Hand that has been guiding me all my life. I know it led me to meet Steve and I know it led my daughter Tammy to meet Glenn who is now her beloved partner and father to their precious little girl and our granddaughter.

Steve and I were reflecting on all the times we felt we were entirely guided by invisible hands. Both of us easily obtained jobs which pushed us forward in our Life Purpose. All my teaching jobs were practically handed to me with little effort other than an application and references. Steve had jobs which effortlessly pushed and promoted him into better jobs suited to his talents and skills. We know when one door closes another opens. We both were at the right place at the right time when we found a NEW THOUGHT community and knew we had come home to our tribe. Invisible Hands of God kept leading and pushing us forward.

Becoming New Thought ministers led us to our Interfaith Purpose.
What made me read a tiny paragraph about World Religion Day which invited those interested to meet with a Baha’i group? My first question was “Who is a Baha’i? I had to find out and meet these people. I was compelled to do so, which led to meeting other religious leaders who eventually became the founding members of POINT Poway Interfaith Team.
Invisible Hands

I know these Invisible Hands of God are really my GOD SELF talking and communicating to and with me. God is real and within me always as that inner voice for my highest and best. GOD within YOU is always guiding and giving you the best ideas, best information and renewed purpose for your earthly journey. This inner guidance may feel like a push, pull, thought or compulsion. Pay attention!

I truly believe as we listen, we are guided to become the best we can be, the best version of ourselves which includes our mistakes, failures, victories, ups and downs, bad and good times. All contribute to our growth spiritually, mentally, emotionally and intellectually. TRUST the Divine.
TRUST God’s Invisible Hand within you.

“There is a Presence within you that is with you, is ready, willing and able to guide you in all ways.”
-Ernest Holmes, “Thoughts are Things.”

Enjoy this beautiful song!
Invisible Hands by JD Martin and Paul Williams 

When a child believes
He’ll live his dreams
His prayers are heard
He fears no thunder
And when he falls
He safely lands
Guided by invisible hands

When a mother cries
She hides her tears
Says the lord provides
But she can’t help wonder
Who will give her child
What his heart demands
Oh…. invisible hands

Lost in the darkness we are lifted by love
Whisper and somebody hears
And if we dare to make that leap of faith
Somehow the bridge appears

When a silent storm
Knocks me down
And the tide and times
Pull me under
I will stand again
On these shifting sands
Held by invisible hands
Oh….invisible hands

Lost in the darkness we are lifted by love
Whisper and somebody hears
And if we dare to make that leap of faith
Somehow the bridge appears

When a child believes
He’ll live his dreams
His prayers are heard
He fears no thunder
And when he falls
He safely lands
Guided by invisible hands

Trusting Our Invisible Hands of God,
Abigail and Steve