Are you smiling? How can you not smile or laugh when looking at these cute little faces. These children are filled with JOY

Last weekend our daughter Tammy, Glenn and little Peyton were over for a chili dinner. It was cold and rainy and the chili was perfect.
Steve and I bought a cute little riding airplane for Peyton, and as soon as she saw it, she was riding it! She literally zoomed all over the house.
She zoomed into my office where she knows her cute little fairy wings and tutu are, and wanted to put them on. So with her tutu and wings she zoomed to
Steve’s office and found the little toy doggie he keeps there, just for her. She gave the doggie a ride and she gave a dolly ( we keep for her) a ride too.
We were laughing and having so much fun watching her. She navigated the one step down to the living room easily on the little plane and back up again.
We were all so enthralled by her playing, we forgot to take photos!

To be a child and find fun in everything is a gift. As adults we still have that gift, and don’t often use it. When things get tough we sometimes wallow
in it or vision a worse scenario. Peyton was on the couch playing “hide & seek under the blanket” with Steve.” In her exuberance she slipped off the couch
and landed on her bottom. Instead of making a big deal of it, Steve laughed and Peyton laughed. He knew she was not hurt since the rug was only 18″ from the couch,
and decided to not frighten her, but make it an easy experience.
She then did it again purposefully since she thought it was fun and part of
the game.

When we are in the midst of an trial or tribulation, the more we see the good in it, find the upside to it and even find the joy in it, will change the vibration
and energy about it. I am not saying to laugh if someone is critically hurt or experiencing a heart ache. I am saying as we come across various things that
irritate us during the day, we can chose to see it through a different lens.

Can you laugh at yourself when you make a mistake?
Best time to learn…
Can you find the good when your battery dies in your car?
Thank God you were being looked out for and not hurt on the road.
Can you laugh when you can’t find your keys?
Play hide and seek and ask God to show you where the key is.
Can you find some joy while delayed on the road due to
road repairs?
Be glad your taxes are being put to good use so the roads will be safe.
Can you smile while waiting an hour in the doctor’s office?
Be happy, knowing if you came in as an emergency the doctor would take his time with you too. Find something funny to read while waiting!

Be the one to laugh and find joy in everything.
Laughter is a great medicine for the mind, body and soul. Think about these laughing babies and they will bring a twinkle to your eye, a smile to your heart. Then just crunch up your face and make those laugh lines appear with a hearty
joyful laugh.

“Today, I will look for and see the bountiful gifts of humor being expressed.”
-Dr. Marilyn Louise Leo, ‘Science of Mind’ Magazine, January 2023

Joyously Laughing,
Abigail and Steve