I love this sweet picture of a beautiful lady seeing who she believes she is, regardless of age or wheelchair. What do you think about yourself? Are you more interested in what others think about you, or do you appreciate your own self for who you truly are?
Do you love yourself, strengths and weaknesses?









Do you know your spiritual magnificence?
What do you see when you look into the mirror?
This kitty may be small, however he believes in
his potential to be GREAT!

We all have the potential to be our GREASTEST SELVES. It only takes our believing in ourselves to become who we truly are.

Your dreams are yours alone. If your heart and passion is DANCE, then dance, if it is to SING, then sing etc. Do not try to please others by being
someone you are not.






Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, shares this truth. We are what we think and feel about ourselves!
These thoughts and feelings reflect outward. Let us dig deep into our authentic selves and really listen to our sweet spirit who is communicating with us all the time. Our soul has come here for a purpose which is uniquely ours to do and be. No one has the authority to tell us what we should like or not like, what our job should be, or our purpose in life.

“To Know Thyself is the Beginning of Wisdom. “- Socrates
“I know who I am.
I take good care of myself.
I own my gifts.
I live in my values.
I love myself completely.”

AND I believe in myself and my GREAT Potential!