February 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

We are in the midst of the Christian Lenten Season. Forty days and 6 Sundays before Easter our Christian brothers and sisters follow three pillars:
Give Alms.
It is interesting to note our Muslim brothers and sisters Pray, Fast and Give alms to the poor during their Holy month of Ramadan.
Our Jewish brothers and sisters during their High Holy Days Pray, Fast, Forgive and Give alms.

People in each religion look at their lives, repent and repair any outstanding debts, wrong doings and move forward to becoming a better and more faithful
person in their faith tradition. There is deep prayer, reading of scripture and communing with God

It is wonderful to look at different religions and learn about their beliefs and Holy Days. We begin to have a greater understanding and realization of
how similar we are. We all have a deep faith in our Creator, Source, God, however you wish to call the ONE.

Many People in the New Thought tradition acknowledge the LENTEN Season. New Thoughters tend to focus on Consciousness by giving up judgement, negative words,
thoughts and habits. We focus on forgiving ourselves and loving others as a daily habit. We also focus on gratitude for all areas in our lives.
Gratitude Journals are often a part of our Lenten expression. We are grateful for both the good times and the hard times, because hard times move us forward to
greater good, a new path, and a new understanding of our life.

I was thinking about this concept in Steve and my life the other day. We were so grateful to find a new and extremely competent CPA to do our 2022 taxes!
A friend of ours recommended him. This new “good” in our lives came after our 2021 taxes were poorly done. It was a year we had to have an extension and we
didn’t know we would need to pay extra penalties. That particular tax preparer was never available to talk with us. We understood due to the death of her father,
she dropped the ball, and just had a hard time completing his work with his clients. Long story short, without that experience, we would never have moved forward
with a better and more competent CPA. We are grateful for entire experience.

We PRAY to know our ONENESS with and as God.. We know the Universe will line up all the scenarios to accomplish the Divine outcome of our prayers.
We FAST from doubts, anxieties, ill words and thoughts that will interfere in our knowing of our Oneness in and as God. All is meant to bless us.
We focus on LOVE, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Understanding, Compassion and Grace.
We GIVE to the person or place where we are spiritually nourished (church, center, person) and to those who are not as fortunate as we are.

Although a concentrated effort of PRAY, FAST, LOVE, GIVE happens more at this time of year, these pillars of faith are important to be followed throughout the year. It becomes who we are and what we do on a continual basis all through our life.

Happy Lent. Love your faith and actively participate in it.

Praying, Fasting, Loving, Giving,                                                                                      Abigail and Steve