Dear Friends,

Steve and I had the opportunity to talk with a group of high school students at El Camino High School in Oceanside last week.
They are in a Leadership program. We talked about “Ignoring the NO,” based on Steve’s latest book. ( See BOOKS on this website)
We were able to tell them our stories of how a high school counselor told Steve he wasn’t college material and his grades weren’t good enough to be an architect.
Needless to say he ignored the NO and went to college and became an architect. He also has 4 college degrees. I was told in college after ‘a not so excellent’
student teaching in pre-school, I should not be a teacher. I admit I floundered in the preschool setting, and the teacher gave me no direction or leadership.
Needless to say I did not drop out, and I went on to my full day student teaching experience as a Senior. Everything came together and I loved it! Got an A.
At El Camino we encouraged each student to follow their heart and say YES regardless of well intentioned people telling them NO.

Ignore the NO is not just for students, it is for everyone of all ages. We know God has placed a calling in each one of us and we are here to complete the
calling however that looks. We also know a calling evolves as we grow spiritually, and we take our learnings from one area to another.

I was called to be a teacher. That calling evolved into Science of Mind
(New Thought) ministry for children which evolved into ministry for families, which evolved into INTERFAITH Ministry. Everything I learned helped me today
in my interfaith work and purpose. Steve went from architecture, to metaphysics to being a Universal minister, to a Unity (New Thought) ministry to
INTERFAITH Ministry while writing 20 books along the way.

Remember to listen to your Inner Divine (Di “of the” – Vine “Father”)
Wisdom which gives you the ideas, the purpose and the knowhow.
God always says YES. “There is always a way to which human sight there is no way.”(unsure of author) Everything is working together for your good, happiness,
joy and bounty. Trust in God. Trust in your God Self, the Higher Wisdom and Intelligence. Whether your calling is a PUSH or a PULL, just FOLLOW it!

When someone comes to you with a “crazy idea” encourage him or her to follow all the leads, do some research and just GO For It. It is not your job to discourage,
only to encourage. If they “fail,” they will learn wonderful lessons and encourage them to try again. Thomas Edison, inventor of the LIGHT BULB had to experiment
over and over again until the light bulb worked!

Everything we have today came from an IDEA, thought, experiment, failure, success. It is evolution. Enjoy the process!

Ignoring the NO and saying YES,
Abigail and Steve

Empowered Women





Dear Friends,

Before this Women’s History month is over, I want to acknowledge and honor all the women in the world, for their incredible service to humanity.

Here are some facts:                                                                                          “Women’s History Month first came to be as a national celebration in 1982 though the first celebration was Women’s History Week. A few years later, it expanded into a full month of honoring women’s roles in society, thanks to a petition from the National Women’s History Project, which led to the president proclaiming March of each year Women’s History Month.

Around the world, countries make an effort to support women on this special day. The United Nations even began sponsoring the day in 1975, with the General Assembly explaining that their goals included:

  1. Recognizing the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and
  2. Acknowledging the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security.” (Internet)

Have we accomplished these goals? 
Progress toward gender equality is “vanishing before our eyes,”
United Nations Secretary General António Guterres told the Commission
on the Status of Women on Monday, March 7th.
“Women’s rights are being abused, threatened, and violated around the world and women and girls have been erased from public life.
In many places, women’s sexual and reproductive rights are being rolled back.” 

We, as women, are fortunate to live in the United States, however even our country has de-evolved concerning women’s rights with Roe vs Wade being revoked, and prison time for those doctors who continue to acknowledge a woman’s right to make decisions for her body. If a child is miscarried or aborted, one thing I believe as a New Thought minister, is no one ever dies.

The fetus’s soul returns to the other side fully formed and understanding that there will be another time for him or her to come into this earth dimension.

What can we do?  

Portrait of a little girl in a lab coat doing a science experiment in a lab


We can continue to raise our daughters and granddaughters to believe they can do anything they choose to do or be. The other night Steve and I were sitting with Tammy, Glenn and granddaughter Peyton. We were talking about how independent and strong Peyton is becoming, even at 2 1/2 . Tammy said, “I always felt like I could do anything. I was never told I couldn’t!” This statement made me very happy. We all need to raise our girls to feel that way.

The men making these laws, limiting and demeaning women, need to live in a woman’s body. Perhaps in order for their souls to grow spiritually they will reincarnate as a woman to understand the struggles many women have all over the world.

  • Less pay for equal work
  • Unequal promotion practices
  • Forced marriages
  • Sexual harassments
  • No say in society or driving of cars.
  • Mutilation
  • Told NO, not a woman’s place
  • Just plain bias

There are many wonderful and great men who uplift, support, honor and are consciously promoting women for their talents, skills and abilities. I honor those men!

My husband Steve is one of these men. He has always supported me in my goals and purposes, in fact he tends to push me to do and be better than I think I can. Years ago he bought me a Doctoral graduation cap before I even started my Doctoral paper which eventually became my book Empowered Women of Faith. I was dragging my heels, and I kept seeing that cap which spurred me onwards!  (PIC of EMPOWERED WOMEN of FAITH)

As we raise our daughters and granddaughters to BE and DO their best and whatever is in their heart, mind and soul to accomplish, we must also raise our sons and grandsons to BE and DO their best and whatever is in their heart, mind and soul to accomplish. In addition, we must teach our boys and young men to RECOGNIZE GREATNESS in WOMEN and KNOW THEY ARE EQUALS.

When we go hand in hand, partner with partner, leader equal to leader, male and female together, the world will not only survive, but THRIVE. Only when equality and equity are established can we spiritually transform as a human race.

“In God I am Free”
“The truth is the key to my freedom. Rather than struggle against circumstance, resisting what is, and lamenting my lack of freedom, I align myself with a greater truth.
I am free to choose my thoughts and feelings. I am free to choose my responses. I am free to forgive, release, and grow into the person I want to be.
My trust in God expressing within and all around me is the sweetest freedom of all.”
(March Daily Word)


Thriving and Free,

Abigail and Steve






Dear Friends,

A rose is a rose.
A lilac is a lilac.
A dog is a dog.
A horse is a horse.
A fish is a fish.
A bird is a bird.

None of the above can be anything other than what our Source, the Divine Universal Spirit, created it to be. Even the generic word ‘rose’ breaks
down to specifics; Multi flora rose, China rose, Woods rose etc. There are many types of flowers, many breeds of dogs and horses. There are many
species of fish and birds. Not one is alike. The point being, neither are we. God has created us to be authentically ourselves with individual talents,
skills and abilities.

I was a teacher before I became a minister. I know I had my unique way of teaching different than my team members. We appreciated each other for our strengths.
We often teamed up and taught each others classes using our special gifts and talents. We helped one another everyday. My ministerial style is unique as well.
It is not the same as my husband Steve’s. My writing style is mine alone. I read many newsletters and spiritual works. Each writer has his
or her own flavor and style. I admire their words and expressions.
I often use their ideas and words in this newsletter message.
I can admire what and how people do things immensely, however I cannot
be them, nor ever will be.

What is ours to do, is to express ourselves uniquely, honestly, joyfully and authentically. I love the quote above by Oscar Wilde,
“Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

Rev. Dr. Michael Gott said. “You are the life of God revealed in unique, irreplaceable, unrepeatable expression. There is only one of you.
BE YOU as fully and freely as you can this day. When you truly seek to live your highest and best choices, you serve the whole world”
(SoM Magazine March)

Yes, we serve the world and each other by just being ourselves. There was a song way back in the 1990’s that began, ‘I love myself the way I am, there’s nothing I need to change… This song “I Love Myself the Way I Am” was Louise Hay’s signature song. For a wonderful uplift in your life today watch the beautiful song video. We know LOVE is the great healer and we are love in action once we love ourselves, accept ourselves and just BE ourselves.

Being Ourselves,

Abigail and Steve

Humanity is Divinity Made Visible



Humanity is Divinity Made Visible
-Dr. Ernest Holmes




March 7, 2023

Dear Friends,
I love the quote above by Ernest Holmes because it brought me back to the truth of my being, who I really am.
The Mighty I AM, The Divine, God, Spirit is showing up as me in this lifetime.

“Realize that the Divine Presence is ever with you, that there is no place where you leave off and God Begins.”
-Ernest Holmes (March Science of Mind Magazine)
My human body is completely fused with my Divine body. The Divine within knows everything about me, and loves me
completely and unconditionally.

People in the Eckankar faith tradition chant the word HU.
“HU is an ancient name for God. It has been used for thousands of years as a prayer, mantra, and sacred chant to attune oneself
to the presence of God.
In many spiritual traditions, sound plays an important part in uplifting the individual. HU is a key to open your heart to God’s
loving presence in your life.” (Google)

Interesting. in our English language we call ourselves HUMAN.
HU – Name for God from Eckankar
Man – Name for our species.
We are GOD Man (generic for man, woman, child.) This is another way of realizing who we truly are.

Dr. Michael Gott said in the SoM magazine, “While we are spiritually perfect, our human lifetime contains a spectrum of experiences –
joy, sorrow, freedom and bondage, success and failure, sickness and health. We are not meant to live a perfect life, we are meant
to view our life through spiritual eyes and live our life authentically. ”

When we do go through the tough times in life, we can remember who we really are, GODman/Human, and begin to access our Divinity
or the deeper meaning of our life experience.

Jesus the Christ said “Seek First the Kingdom of God.” That Kingdom is
within you and me and everyone. Seek first your God selves for answers, and to bring comfort, peace, love, joy and happiness in your life.
When you do, Your Divinity is made Visible.

Abigail and Steve