Dear Friends,

A rose is a rose.
A lilac is a lilac.
A dog is a dog.
A horse is a horse.
A fish is a fish.
A bird is a bird.

None of the above can be anything other than what our Source, the Divine Universal Spirit, created it to be. Even the generic word ‘rose’ breaks
down to specifics; Multi flora rose, China rose, Woods rose etc. There are many types of flowers, many breeds of dogs and horses. There are many
species of fish and birds. Not one is alike. The point being, neither are we. God has created us to be authentically ourselves with individual talents,
skills and abilities.

I was a teacher before I became a minister. I know I had my unique way of teaching different than my team members. We appreciated each other for our strengths.
We often teamed up and taught each others classes using our special gifts and talents. We helped one another everyday. My ministerial style is unique as well.
It is not the same as my husband Steve’s. My writing style is mine alone. I read many newsletters and spiritual works. Each writer has his
or her own flavor and style. I admire their words and expressions.
I often use their ideas and words in this newsletter message.
I can admire what and how people do things immensely, however I cannot
be them, nor ever will be.

What is ours to do, is to express ourselves uniquely, honestly, joyfully and authentically. I love the quote above by Oscar Wilde,
“Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

Rev. Dr. Michael Gott said. “You are the life of God revealed in unique, irreplaceable, unrepeatable expression. There is only one of you.
BE YOU as fully and freely as you can this day. When you truly seek to live your highest and best choices, you serve the whole world”
(SoM Magazine March)

Yes, we serve the world and each other by just being ourselves. There was a song way back in the 1990’s that began, ‘I love myself the way I am, there’s nothing I need to change… This song “I Love Myself the Way I Am” was Louise Hay’s signature song. For a wonderful uplift in your life today watch the beautiful song video. We know LOVE is the great healer and we are love in action once we love ourselves, accept ourselves and just BE ourselves.

Being Ourselves,

Abigail and Steve