Dear Friends,

Today is PAY IT FORWARD DAY. Please read the delightful story under April’s “Multifaith Calendar.” I believe everyone loves to hear uplifting stories about
people doing and being GOOD in the world. We hear the opposite so often in the papers and the TV news. ONE GOOD story can carry us forward with inspiration
and delight for the day or a couple of days. Even though
“Pay it Forward” is a designated one day declaration, we can choose to make it an everyday declaration in our lives.

Spreading Kindness can be an everyday joy.
Wake up in the morning and ask God/Spirit/Universal Love
to show you where you can spread the most joy.
I guarantee, you will be guided all day with ideas and possibilities. There are no BIG or SMALL deeds in God’s Universe. Every thing, all words, all actions,
all thoughts count. From a smile to a stranger, to a silent prayer when you see a fire truck and ambulance pass by, is important
in the Universe.

Paying It Forward is a state of mind, not a one time action.                                Believe it or not, on my morning walks I pick up snails on the street and bring them over
to a grassy area. In my car I keep baggies of non-perishable food, a $5 bill and a telephone number to an excellent organization, Interfaith Community Services,
which provides the homeless food and shelter. Just the other day, I had the opportunity to hand out a bag. The gentleman was overjoyed.
Who is to say, he wasn’t an angel in disguise or a Master Soul, here purposely to encourage people to SEE the vulnerable people.

What can you do today to PAY IT FORWARD?
Buy groceries for the elderly.
Donate food to a family in need.
Buy gift cards for a local shelter.                                                                                           Be open to opportunities.

In Joy and Love,
Abigail and Steve