Dear Friends,

Have you ever had a moment when you just couldn’t figure out a problem or challenge? Have you ever thought your ideas were the best and only ideas for a given situation? We all have. I came across a beautiful prayer in the Science of Mind Magazine (August) which spoke to me and reminded me to Trust in God, Surrender to a Higher Way because “anything I can imagine is but a marginal possibility of what is true of the Infinite.”


“Dropping into that space, that space we know as love, dropping down into the heart, we become very aware that the beating of the heart and that the very breath we breathe is the heart and breath of God. In this awareness we feel the truth that this life, our life, is one life. That there is no separation. Only One.

In this space of one. I know that there is only good, and that this safe space is where I can let go and surrender into my highest good. This is my choice

to allow the goodness of God to take lead, knowing that it is in this allowance I co-create with Spirit.

To embrace the words that it is Gods good pleasure to give each of us the kingdom of heaven, today, right where we stand is to embrace the power and the wisdom of all ages. To honor this birthright is to honor the very essence of who we are.

I recognize that as an expression of this magnificence there is nothing that I set out to do that I do alone. That there is evidence that anything I can imagine is but a marginal possibility of what is true of the Infinite.

As I take steps toward the possibilities found within surrender, I completely trust the opening of my life to all that is good. I surrender also to sharing from the overflow of this good. I know that as I receive, I gain complete joy as I share.

I surrender to love. I surrender to God’s good expressing through me. I surrender to all of the possibilities that I had only imagined myself to dream about. I surrender to the complete trust, knowing that with Spirit all things are possible.

I place these words from a grateful heart into the law knowing that in the mind of God it is already done.

And so it is.”

-(Written by Sandra Reay, Religious Science practitioner)

Trusting Divine Love,                                                                                                 Abigail and Steve