Uplift, Respect and Love One Another










Dear Friends,

Rev. Steve is working on his latest book, Dream Your Evolution, and in it he has created the most amazing poems for each chapter. I want to share a couple with you today.

‘No Age Limits Here’                                                                                                          “If you can stop and take a deep breath right now,                                                                   And know you have a peaceful place to rest,                                                         please share your dream with everyone around,                                                           for other folks who may not be as blessed.                                                                      A single prayer from you may do the trick,                                                                        for God knows what is growing in your heart,                                                                  To stop the hate and to dream of peace                                                                            to feed the families whose only world is grief.                                                                    Let’s dream our Soul is linked with heir own,                                                                   And they feel our love as we close our eyes to pray.                                                          Let us believe our dreams can help direct the way,                                                           To humankind embracing what we pray.”

‘A Plea for Peace’                                                                                                              “I fought the teenage bullies,                                                                                               I ignored the many ‘NOs’.                                                                                                   I’ve had my share of ups and downs,                                                                                I couldn’t make them slow.                                                                                               I’m looking for that perfect peace                                                                                          in all my dreams each night,                                                                                             I need your help to dream with me,                                                                                    and make this world seem bright.                                                                                  Let’s see the world evolving,                                                                                           together all as one,                                                                                                            Soul to Soul we’re finding,                                                                                                 the rainbows and the sun.                                                                                                  You think that I’m a dreamer,                                                                                       there’s a bunch of us out here,                                                                                      There’s room for you to join us,                                                                                          and show the world you care”

At this time in our country’s history, peace, freedom, integrity, honesty is out of balance. We, as citizens need to pray for Divine Direction to bring our world back into a state of goodness, and beauty. Right now Ego is leading the pack. Let us pray GOD within takes over and leads the pack.

Bullies no longer need to be feared and give out hatred. An internal realization rises up and floods each body to know living in peace, living in respect of everyone, living in uplifting each person with kind words, physical help and support is the only way. As Steve said, “show the world you care.” Decide how that looks for you and do it.

Love and Peace,                                                                                                                  Abigail and Steve

Everyone and Everything is Connected






Dear Friends,

We welcome February and look forward to Valentine’s Day. It is a day and month when we think about all those we love and let them know how much we care with cards, gifts, and special surprises. We feel love and connections with our “tribe” ( family, friends and loved ones)

Eugene Holden, writer of the Feb. SofM magazine Daily Guides says,                   “There isn’t anything we are not connected to.” POINT Interfaith Team’s theme this year is, “Grateful Connections, Unexpected Friendships.”

It is ALL about Connections and being in the awe of wonder when we meet someone who becomes our friend, leads us to a new job or purpose, a helper when we are in need and much more. Our invisible radar and connection with all there is, sends out messages and we receive what we send out.

Gregg Braden says: “Everything in our world is connected to everything else.”(Feb. SofM magazine)

A few weeks ago we had terrible and devastating fires in Los Angeles and even a couple fires here in Poway, where we live. Thousands of people began praying for RAIN. I put a beautiful invocation for rain by Morgana Sythove on the newsletter and asked people to say it and visualize it happening everyday.

The RAIN came and nourished the wounds of Mother Earth and helped relieve the stress of the people and fire fighters. We became the tribe of Rain Prayers. As Gregg Braden said in his quote,’ everything is connected’. We are connected with the water, the air, the clouds, the conditions that create rain. We are connected to the elements that cause the perfect condition to bring on the rain. God as elements HEARD our prayer and acted on it.

Even when we don’t know or are not aware, we are connected to ALL THAT IS.

In Ernest Holmes “What We Believe” declaration of faith, he says:                            “We believe Creative Mind receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it. We believe in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind.”

This month let us be aware how we are all connected. First we connect to GOD, then our human family (people we like and don’t like), the air we breathe, the trees, the environment, the water, the stars, planets, moons, suns and the entire Universe. We say a word, have a feeling and is known by God and the Universe. It is like a WEB, we pull a string and the vibration goes out to ALL and springs back to us.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve