It is SPRING. It is hard to believe we are actually in the SPRING Time of our year and actually our life. Many of us look forward to planting new plants and flowers, watch the seeds bloom and grow. listen to the birds sing, see the nests in the tree. Spring is a wonderful reminder we too can plant new seeds in our life. We can let the old and cold go and repurpose ourselves and our lives right here and now in 2025.

Thoughts for SPRING

S – Sit in Sacred Silence and Surrender to your highest good.                                           P – Plant Prayerful Seeds of Good for yourself and others.                                             R – Realize your Oneness with and of God. Repurpose, Reinvent, Renew.                     I – I AM willing to be USED by God for the highest good.                                                N – New Day, New Experience, New Insight, New Wisdom. Claim it! Affirm it!                 G – GOD is your core being. You are GOD, Goodness, Greatness, and a Gift to the world!

Quotes to Spring into Change

USE ME LORD                                                                                                          Show me how to take who I am,                                                                                   Who I want to be                                                                                                         What I can do                                                                                                                And use it for a purpose greater than myself.”                                                                      -Dr. Martin Luther King

“I AM WILLING                                                                                                                  I must be willing to give up what I am                                                                                In order to become what I will be.”                                                                                     -Albert Einstein

“HAVE ME GO                                                                                                                    Have me go where you would have me go.                                                                    Have me do what you would have me do.                                                                          Have me say what you would have me say and to whom.                                                  -Marianne Williamson



Affirm the Truth of Your Being

Dear Friends,

In the past few weeks, not only have I have physical challenges, my brother in law has as well. He had to be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital in Omaha. My sister in law let family and friends know what was happening and kept us informed daily. My niece’s and nephew’s family came to his hospital bed and needless to say all were upset and very concerned about his health and well being. Everyone, including Steve and me, began praying for him. We never know what the soul will choose when facing illness. My prayers are only for his health and wholeness.

“I pray for others with care and compassion but without attachment to specific outcomes. I need not force what I think should happen. My part in prayer is to hold each person in unconditional love and support.”(March Daily Word)

In New Thought we know and declare the TRUTH of each person we pray for.

First, I acknowledge GOD as the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omniaction, Omniloving, and Omnipresence in all, through all and as all.

Second, I affirm my ONENESS with the Almighty GOD, Source and Good of all Creation.

Third, I affirm my brother in law’s Oneness in, as and of God. God within my brother in law is whole, perfect, complete, healthy, and strong. He always has been and always will be. This is the TRUTH of his being regardless of appearance.

Fourth, In deep gratitude I thank God in the name of Jesus the Christ, and the Christ Consciousness of all.

. I release this affirmative Prayer knowing it is demonstrating NOW.

Throughout the prayer I Visioned him walking, laughing, healthy and happy.

We as prayer givers cannot predict the outcome because each soul must make a choice to either come though the challenge and continue life on this side, or continue life on the other side. Everyone has a choice. Our prayers are thought vibrations heard by the “person” of whom we are praying for. These vibrations of goodness, health and joy nestle into the consciousness of the person. He or she knows on a spiritual level there is no disease or ill health in GOD. The person prayed for can feel the change in hi/her body. All we do is know the TRUTH. God is the individualization of my brother in law and having a human experience through him. God is him.

Needless to say my brother in law is back home, healing in human time and happy to continue his journey in this lifetime.

Remember YOU are an individualization of God in human form, whole, perfect and complete,

Abigail and Steve



Dear Friends,

For many of our Interfaith friends, March is a month of prayer. Our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrate Holy Ramadan and our Christian brothers and sisters celebrate Holy Lent leading into Easter. Muslims pray 5 times a day and read the Holy Koran and Fast, sunup to sun down. Christians tend to pray more during this time, and some go to church more than once a week and “give up” something ( food, habit, etc.).

It is a time to turn to God more, with hearts filled with love, compassion and adoration. Some New Thought people may choose to observe Lent, however most tend to have a daily spiritual routine that uplifts them as they turn to God. Whatever faith one observes, the root of all is GOD. This is a beautiful time of year to get back to our roots, get back to our NT history (New Thought Day was March 2) and to remind ourselves who we are and why we are here.

“I am ONE with God and I am God in ACTION.”(SoM magazine).

Coming home in mind and heart knowing the truth about ourselves puts us in a prayerful, meditative heart and mind.

“A prayer is a movement of thought within the mind of the one praying.” SoM text pg28

“I affirm all the qualities of God are part of my divine inheritance. At the level of Spirit I have everything I need, no matter what is happening in my life and in the world.” The Daily Word

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 6:17

This month of March with so many faith traditions praying and glorifying God helps me to be aware, I can pray, affirm and know the Divine Truth of my being ALL THOUGH the Day. I don’t need just the morning to pray. What ever I do, I can say a silent prayer acknowledging Divine Good is mine Now. Wherever I go I can knowledge Divine protection surrounds me. I can whisper a silent THANK YOU GOD in all I do, all I share, and all I have.

Prayer is for everyone, all the time. Keep prayers going for yourself and others.             The Prayer loop will automatically come back to bless you, love you and                      prosper you.

Sending YOU Love and Blessings,

Abigail and Steve

The “Biblical JOB” time of our lives

Dear Friends,

Book of Job in the Bible

“Job is presented as a good and prosperous family man who is suddenly beset with horrendous disasters that take away all he holds dear—a scenario intended to test Job’s faith in God. Struggling mightily to understand this situation, Job reflects on his despair but consistently remains devout.” Wikipedia

Ya just gotta laugh.

Last Friday I thought I was going through a “Job” scenario. After a month of a hot water leak, demolition to our home and now negotiating with the restoration company I thought we were finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. NOPE. Two weeks ago I woke up in excruciating pain in my back and right leg, hip, knee, shin. It was so bad we went to the hospital. Tests done, and I was sent home with medication. The hospital told us to call my primary Doctor.

I called my Chinese Medicine Dr and, saw him and he said it was more an issue with internal organs. Two days later I was again in excruciating pain and Steve called the paramedics. Back to the ER. Tests done thinking it was sciatica. Medication was sent home with me. I called my primary Dr and he was on vacation. All my calls and questions were going from nurse to Dr. while he was on vacation. Meanwhile I was in terrible pain. After a week he finally gave me medication that did some good. I requested an MRI of my lower back and an x-ray of my knee and shin. The MRI said I had many bulging discs and cysts on my narrowing spine.

Steve made sure I was on everyone’s prayer list. After numerous calls to the Dr. office I finally got the name of a spine specialist. Of course I could not get in to see him until the end of March!

Thank God for prayers and thank God for Steve, thank God for Melissa, the Physical Therapist Steve knows from his volunteer work at the hospital, and thank God for Sue and Steve Busch, the other grandparents of our granddaughters. Melissa helped us get a wheelchair, and suggested stretching exercises. She even took a look at the MRI report to help us make sense of it since I could not get in to see my primary Dr for another week. Steve B. also went through what I am going through and uses a TENs muscle stimulator and back pain relief. Sue sent me the link to order one. Steve B. gave us helpful information how he navigates his pain and diagnosis similar to mine. I ordered a TENS.

Friday night reflecting on the house situation, still in demo mode, and not complete, and my back pain, we started watching TV when I noticed a vertical shadow covering about 1/4 of the screen. I said to Steve, this must be our JOB portion of life!!!                    House, Pain, TV. Ya just gotta laugh.

Finally last Saturday I started feeling better. I had a good nights sleep. I am backing off the strong medication slowly and feel like I am coming out of a painful daze. Finally sent the reconstruction company a “GO” to fix and restore our house. I may still have my ups and downs, good days and bad, however like JOB, I put my faith in God. That never wavers.TV? Just have to call a repair man.

House, Pain, TV. Ya just gotta laugh and praise GOD for all the good I have. I am grateful to be alive and I know God is sending all my angels in human form to help me move through this experience.  I remain devout.

God is GOOD, All the Time!                                                                                                Abigail and Steve