Broken is Beautiful

Broken Pot with gold

When the Japanese mend broken objects,
they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks
with gold.
They believe that when something has suffered damage, and has a history, it becomes more beautiful.
-Billie Mobayed
(Karen Jandorff Inspirations)

I love the quote above.
How many times have you gone through  a loss, a hurt, a betrayal, an incident that made you fall on your knees or feel like the world has dropped out from under you. We have all had experiences that shook us up, and created havoc in our lives for a period of time.  When things happen, we have  a choice to dramatize each incident and refuse to let them go, or we have a choice to have a NEW THOUGHT.   Instead of wallowing, we can look at the uncomfortable incidences and  decide  they are really golden opportunities  layered  in our lives to provide us spiritual opportunities to raise our consciousness to higher levels. We then see the world as beautiful. We love unconditionally. We forgive with compassion.

There is a Japanese story called the “Cracked Pot.”
Everyday an elderly man would walk to the water well to bring back water for his family.  He had two pots, one carried on each shoulder. One pot was perfect, and the other had a crack in it.  A small child asked the elderly man why he didn’t buy a new pot or fix the cracked one.  He said, “Everything has its purpose and the cracked pot has its as well. When I carry water back to my household, I am also able to water my flowers along the way from the water that leaks out from the cracked pot. Without my cracked pot the flowers would die.”

Moral of the quote and story: Everything is good and perfect in its own way. All is meant to bless us, our perfections and imperfections, our  bliss moments and our tragedies.  Nothing is outside the Good of God!
You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are!