Release the “Button Pushers.”

“Everybody has a hot button. Who is pushing yours? While you probably cannot control that person, you CAN control the way you react to them.”

'Maybe if your buttons weren't so big, Mel, people wouldn't be so inclined to push them!'

Dear Friends,

What brings PEACE to your soul?  This Wednesday, August 5th from 2-3:30pm we will have our “Prayers for Self Peace” and Labyrinth Walk.  Please go to the Events button on this newsletter and click AFC.

We will talk about :
5  Key Ways to create Self Peace in your life.
One of those ways is “Releasing those who Push Your Buttons.”
We have all met someone who just makes the hair on our neck stand on end. Who is that person for you?  When we know our spiritual purpose is to Love more, Forgive more and Find the God within all people, places and things, who is not to say, that “PYB” person isn’t here to be your teacher to help you do just those things. On a soul level he or she wants you to see  him or her from a higher perspective. There is a greater purpose happening and we need to view it as God views it. Not only will you be releasing your negative feelings about the person, you will be releasing any form of victim hood in your relationship with him or her. When you do that, you are living from your Higher Self. Living this way  brings both Peace and Freedom in your life.

As you Walk the Labyrinth, take the person with you in mind and heart to the center. This is the symbol for the center of your Soul, your God Self, your Spirit. Discover the message from the Divine and walk out with a renewed, restored, revived love, joy and peace at heart regarding this person and yourself.

Center of Lab Praying Child Crystals