I want to leave
blowing kisses off my fingertips
and using my last breath to say
I have loved it all.
-Anne Silver
(Karen Jandorf Daily Quotes)
Dear Friends,
Do you remember when you blew kisses to your mom and dad, or son and daughter and/or a favorite person? I don’t see that being done much anymore and yet a sweet, innocent kiss blown from one to another is such a gift of love.
It is simple and sincere. Remember as the kiss was given and blown to you the eyes of the giver were warm, big, and filled with love.
We know LOVE is the essence of the universe, it makes the world go round, it is a healer of physical, spiritual and emotional wounds. God is Love and always sending Love to us as gentle kisses in the breeze, gentle kisses in the rain and a gentle pat on the arm from someone who cares.
Take a moment today and blow a loving kiss with loving thoughts and feelings to a special someone. We know this gentle, loving act will be felt by the receiver, even if he or she is not aware. It is a powerful act when sent to someone who is hurting, or going through turmoil. A person who appears unkind, unthoughtful or mean also needs love. Deep within people who hurt, is a scared child who desperately needs a act of love and kindness. The beauty is, you can do this in “secret” knowing you may have been the one to open the heart a little wider in that person.
Blowing Kisses to situations works well too! It could be a loving kiss goodbye to what no longer serves you. Sending “it” off with love and no regret.
Blowing Kisses to a relationship that has ended. As they say, a time for every season and this person lasted the season and now it is time to say goodbye with love and gratitude.
Blowing Kisses for health and wholeness brings a sweet healing to yourself and to others.
Blow a loving kiss to whomever and what ever you wish, and enjoy the moment.

Be as a child today(they all enter the Kingdom)
and blow out lots of loving kisses.
Who knows you may even receive one back.
Can you feel it?