September 11, 2018
Dear Friends,
Today is a Day of Remembrance, a day we mourn for those who perished in the terror attack on the Twin Towers and planes over New York. We pray for those souls and for the family and friends left behind.
REMEMBRANCE is a beautiful word. At this time I want us to REMEMBER who we are and who the souls are, who passed on before us. We are eternal spirits having a journey on earth as part of our eternal life. Ernest Holmes wrote, and became one of our beliefs,
“We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
Those who have gone before us to another life and another journey are never really gone, they are forever expanding. Many of us have had experiences where we have been given messages by our transitioned loved ones in a dream, as a sign, as a thought. We can still communicate, only in a more subtle way. Steve’s brother Larry, came to me while waking the labyrinth, and he said, “We never leave.” Let us REMEMBER, no one ever really leaves, we change form, change residence, change dimension, change vibration, however we never leave. We are eternal souls created by God
Prayers of Love and Blessings are always appreciated by those still here on earth and by those in the heavenly dimensions. Our thoughts, prayers, words go out into the ONE MIND of God and are always heard and received.
To all those who have chosen to go before us, we bless you, we love you, we open our hearts and minds to you, knowing you are eternally alive, well and with us.
Always Connected,