Dear Friends,
If you have not heard, I want to let you know there was a senseless arson attack early Sunday morning on one of the Masjids in Escondido, CA.
Our heartfelt condolences goes out to this community. We were all shocked and horrified to hear another terrorist attack happened in our own neighborhood and community. We condemn the white supremacist ideology that led to this attempt. We faithfully stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters. For when an injustice and killing takes place in one locale, it affects people all over the world.
There were several speakers before the evening Muslim prayers began.
I spoke on behalf of New Thought and the Poway Interfaith Team.
(photo below). I encouraged everyone to reach out to people of different faith traditions to get to know them better, through potlucks, service projects, and sharing faith beliefs. As my byline above says, “When knowledge is shared, awareness and understanding become greater. Myths and misconceptions are dissipated, and barriers of fear melt away.”
Rev. Meg Decker, from the Episcopal tradition, and also part of the Escondido Together Interfaith Group said it is part of her tradition to not only love your neighbors but to pray for those who persecute you, or harm you in any way.
The more we pray for love within them, the softer they will be and their hearts will change. Beautiful words.
In all traditions there is FORGIVENESS. As we approach Good Friday, we remember the words of Jesus the Christ, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
What is happening with these attacks on faith houses, is, the community is rallying together, standing up for one another, and becoming closer friends and supporters. Hate divides. Love and Compassion bring people together.
Let us all pray for those whose hearts have gone astray,
have been poisoned with lies. Their glass may look dark,
ugly and murky. When we pray for them it is as if we are
pouring pure water into the glass. As the prayers keep coming we see the glass overflowing and slowly the murky water begins to flow out, and what is left
is sweet, pure water.
Keep the prayers flowing and see hearts softening and becoming pure, as God has intended it to be.
