Dear Friends,
The other day I was looking for a particular spiritual book and came across a little book called “The Golden Key,” by Emmet Fox. It was quite popular years ago and has a sacred and eternal message. I read it and thought, this is just what I needed for today, for the unrest we are all feeling with the pandemic and the racism in our country. It is a simple, yet profound book
and teaching.
Emmet Fox says, “The Golden Key to harmony is in your hand now.”

“Stop thinking about the difficulty,
whatever it is and think about God instead.”
I remember years ago teaching a group of children and parents this simple idea. We talked about some problems they might be having and then asked them to think about God. What is God to them?
Later I received a call from one mother who thanked me for the Sunday message. Her little boy was playing in a huge sand box with some of his favorite toys. In the play, he realized he lost his favorite car. He looked all over, then started digging in several places. After awhile, he stopped looking. His mother said while he stopped he told her he was thinking about God.
Later I received a call from one mother who thanked me for the Sunday message. Her little boy was playing in a huge sand box with some of his favorite toys. In the play, he realized he lost his favorite car. He looked all over, then started digging in several places. After awhile, he stopped looking. His mother said while he stopped he told her he was thinking about God.
He then ‘seemed to know’ where the car was. He went to the area of the sand box, put his hand under the sand and pulled up his car. His mother seemed shocked. Her little boy just said, “I stopped thinking about where the car was and thought about God.”
We were all so happy and elated that a child would easily put into practice a basic Spiritual Principle.
We all have problems. It may be worry about job security, life savings security, health and wellness concerns,, estranged family members, people who have wronged us, our country’s future, justice for yourself and/or others. There are so many things we can allow ourselves to be stressed and anxious over.
This simple Golden Key practice of “Turn Away From the Problem and Think About God” is one sacred and effective way to allow God to take over. We often think WE have to solve a problem, so we fuss and fume and make mistakes. Emmet Fox says, “Your objective is to drive the thought of the difficulty right out of your consciousness substituting thoughts of God. If you can become so absorbed in the spiritual world that you really forget for awhile all about the trouble, you will presently find you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty.”
Allow yourself ample time to be in a quiet, sacred place. Make yourself comfortable. You may want to light a candle, play some meditative music to help yourself be at peace and ready to think about God. Say, “I am going to “Golden Key (person’s name), (difficulty) now.” Then stop thinking about him, her or it and replace the name and situation with thoughts of God.
What does God means to you?
Love, Joy, Goodness, Peace, Comfort, Well-being, Source, Creator, Infinite Creative Possibilities, Divine Mind, Divine Order, Truth, Wisdom,
Present Everywhere, Infinite Intelligence, Knows Everything.
Emmet Fox says, “Constantly repeat some statement of absolute Truth,
that appeals to you such as:
There is no power but God.
I am the child of God filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God.
God is Love.
God is guiding me now.
God is with me.
Each time you feel your attention wander, switch it back to God.”
Then RELEASE, LET GO and LET GOD Design the Outcome.
Do this everyday and watch the miracles happen.
Let me know the wondrous outcomes you have when practicing
The Golden Key.