Soul of Our Nation

Dear Friends,
The Soul and Vibrational Energy of our country has been through trials, tribulations, strife and stress.
We have a new President and a new Vice President. Many Americans are elated and others sad. We need to come together now greater than we ever have before, and heal the wounds and divisiveness in our country. It is time to remember our Oneness, our Divinity and our being part of this great Human Family. Let us all pray for our new leaders to stay in integrity, move forward with honesty to serve the American people in the highest and best way for our nation.

We as spiritual leaders are the peacemakers. Let us be the healing balm to family, friends, co-workers, strangers and our spiritual
community. All are in Gods circle of love, compassion and forgiveness. There are no outsiders in God, so let us continue to be open,
receptive, inclusive and keep our hearts and mind open to everyone.

For an inspirational message from Rev. Wendy Craig Purcell go to:

Knowing Our Oneness with All,
Abigail and Steve