Today I want to share a story I read in the Dec. Science of Mind magazine.
The Story of Indra’s Net.
“To keep it simple, Indra, the Hindu Lord of the heavens, invites Buddha to his heavenly palace. Wanting to impress his guest, he orders thousands of diamonds to be brought in and strung on each knot of a giant net that covers the walls and ceilings of the palace. When Buddha arrives, he steps into the great room, he gasps and he dances to the middle of the room with awe. He exclaims to Indra how perfectly his net captures the nature of reality. Every gem reflects the same light. Even when you move a gem, the movement is reflected in all the others. And so it is with us – every action we take is reflected throughout all humanity. Every action makes a difference. Indra was so moved that he began to cry great tears, and he said, ‘This web is too important. It’s not meant solely for my eyes, but it is for everyone. All must know this.’ He then pulled it down from the ceiling and the walls, and he took it out to his balcony and flung it mightily into the sky. And today, the stars, or Indra’s net, remind us we’re all connected. Every action has a ripple effect. And the telling of that story might remind others of our innate connection.”
This is such a beautiful story that reminds us how interconnected we all are.
What a wonderful time to remember this truth as we are immersed in this Season of Love. Every time you THINK a kind thought and FEEL love in your heart, it is automatically felt, and inwardly heard by everyone. YOU are God’s love diamond connected to all of God’s other love diamonds. YOUR actions of compassion, empathy, and caring spread out into the world. YOU are moving in, among, and along with all other gems in this universe. YOU are precious, treasured and an influencer in the Great Whole.
Blessings, Abigail and Steve