Truth, We are ONE

Dear Friends,
Do you stray? In thought? In word? In deed? I believe we all do at some time.
However, no matter how much we seem to be “off course” we can always return to the Truth of our being. In essence, we are ONE, we are Love. We are One with and as God and we are ONE with and as each other. We are One with those we love and One with those we don’t like at all. Whether we like someone, agree or disagree with him or her, we are still ONE and LOVE Reigns in all. That is our Spiritual Truth.
Ernest Holmes (EH), founder of Religious Science says:
“I believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in all, and that we are all incarnations of the One Spirit.”
“I believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
These two quotes are part of our basic beliefs. Everyone is an incarnation of Spirit.
Everyone’s soul WILL forever expand into greater good, greater opening, greater awareness and greater love.
At this time it is extremely important for us to be the bringers of LIGHT & LOVE, and to be a safe haven where people can express opinions without harsh judgement. I know many people whose families are split politically and cannot even talk with one another. As Light Beings we need to be the listener. We don’t have to agree with everyone, we just need to listen, understand and love them.
Can we stand with them and continue to believe “in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God,(EH)” in us, in them.
When we do this, our loving, oneness energy will ripple out and affect the world.
We are here to change the world. The world is waiting for us. Changing the world, is first changing ourselves, our thoughts, words and deeds.
May loving kindness be in your thoughts, words and deeds today.
Loving Oneness,