Hands and Heart






Dear Friends,
This Sunday we were at The Unity Church in San Diego hearing a wonderful message by Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell. As always the music was inspiring.
We sang the song by Karen Drucker called “Blessing To the World.”

You are the heart. You are the hands.
You are the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who you are, and all you do, is a blessing to the world.

We are the heart. We are the hands.
We are the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who we are, and all we do, is a blessing to the world.

I am the heart. I am the hands.
I am the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who I am, and all I do, is a blessing to the world.

As we were singing this song, I really felt the Unity of all attending the service and singing the words. We are all blessings to the world. We all have unique purposes to achieve and be. No one is out of the loop. A phrase Rev. Wendy repeated was, ” We are Magnificent Beings and still a Work in Progress.”
The two go hand in hand, not opposed to one another.
Each one of us is created by the Divine Source of all Good, Love, Wisdom and Intelligence. That is our DNA. How we use this identity and knowledge is our choice here on earth. And I believe, if we are here, we are still learning and growing in our spiritual unfoldment, hence, “a work in progress.”

The Science of Mind magazine was devoted to the same idea on March 10.
Rev. Joanne McFadden shared a story about a dog trainer and her unique purpose. She trains dogs who are blind and deaf. She has taught deaf dogs
sign language and uses other trained dogs to help the blind ones learn how to navigate a house. All her dogs are adoptable when she has completed her work. What a wonderful gift she blesses and brings to the world.

“Spirit needs each of us to express Itself, and Spirit is intensely creative.
It created each of us for a special purpose. Have you discovered yours?
How can you be the heart and hands of Spirit on Earth like no one else can?”

